This extraordinary specimen of octahedron electric blue Fluorite comes from Caravia in the Asturias, Spain, known for the extraction of high-quality minerals. Blue fluorite is valued for its unique color, which in the case of this specimen is intense and uniform. Great transparency, luster and beautiful blue color make it extremely visually attractive.

This extraordinary specimen of octahedron electric blue Fluorite comes from Caravia in the Asturias, Spain, known for the extraction of high-quality minerals. Blue fluorite is valued for its unique color, which in the case of this specimen is intense and uniform. Great transparency, luster and beautiful blue color make it extremely visually attractive.

Minerale principale/ Nome meteorite
Fantastica FLUORITE blu elettrico proveniente dalla Spagna
Forma minerale/Tipi di meteorite
106 g
Provenienza (regione/città)
Caravia, Asturie
Paese d’origine
5,5 cm
5 cm
3 cm

4 recensioni (4 negli ultimi 12 mesi)
  1. 4
  2. 0
  3. 0

Bonjour, votre spécimen est bien arrivé aujourd'hui, très joli, avec quel type d'éclairage obtenez ces jolis reflets rouges. Cordialement Frédéric Nourry.

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Risposta del venditore

Bonjour Frèdèric, je suis très content que le spécimen vous plaise, je vous envoie déjà en message privé des informations sur l'éclairage que j'utilise. Salutations Kate

il cristallo di Acquamarina è stupendo, supera ciò che mi aspettavo Il pacchetto era non semplicemente sigillato, ma addirittura blindato.

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4 recensioni (4 negli ultimi 12 mesi)
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