N. 84801711

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Maschera da ballo buddista Monpa - Legno - Arunachal Pradesh, India - 19esimo secolo
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Maschera da ballo buddista Monpa - Legno - Arunachal Pradesh, India - 19esimo secolo

Very rare, finely carved, with great details, mask of the Monpa Sherdukpen, showing an aggressive face with vivid features, accentuated by polychrome colouring. India, Arunachal Pradesh Province 19th century. Height: 20.3 cm. The mask is nicely mounted on a custom stand. Very good condition. Provenance: acquired in 1973 at a Paris auction sale. NOTE: Dance and pantomime performances are used by the Monpa tribes of Arunachal Pradesh to explain Buddhist philosophy, religious rites, rituals and also for e,ntertainment. The custom of crafting and usign masks for these performances can be traced back to the 16th century, when monks from the Tawang monastery began the task of propagation of Buddhism, with the help of these masked dances.

N. 84801711

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Maschera da ballo buddista Monpa - Legno - Arunachal Pradesh, India - 19esimo secolo

Maschera da ballo buddista Monpa - Legno - Arunachal Pradesh, India - 19esimo secolo

Very rare, finely carved, with great details, mask of the Monpa Sherdukpen, showing an aggressive face with vivid features, accentuated by polychrome colouring. India, Arunachal Pradesh Province 19th century. Height: 20.3 cm. The mask is nicely mounted on a custom stand. Very good condition. Provenance: acquired in 1973 at a Paris auction sale.

NOTE: Dance and pantomime performances are used by the Monpa tribes of Arunachal Pradesh to explain Buddhist philosophy, religious rites, rituals and also for e,ntertainment. The custom of crafting and usign masks for these performances can be traced back to the 16th century, when monks from the Tawang monastery began the task of propagation of Buddhism, with the help of these masked dances.

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