N. 84687291

Impero romano. Tetricus I & Gallienus. Lot comprising two (2) antoninianus  (Senza Prezzo di Riserva)
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15 €
3 settimane fa

Impero romano. Tetricus I & Gallienus. Lot comprising two (2) antoninianus (Senza Prezzo di Riserva)

Lot of 2 Antoninianus - Roman Empire Tetricus I (270-274 AD.) Bronze antoninianus (2.37 g. 17 mm.). Cologne mint. IMP TETRICVS P F AVG, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right / COMES AVG, Victory walking left, holding wreath and palm. RIC 57. gVF Gallienus. (A.D. 253-268.) Silvered bronze antoninianus (2,68 g., 21 mm) Gallienus Zoo series. Rome mint, A.D. 267/8. GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head of Gallienus right / DIANAE CONS AVG, stag standing left // X. RIC 179. FINE Shipments to destinations outside of Spain (both in the EU and third countries) are subject to the processing of export licenses, but only those from third countries will be charged at a rate of 5%. Shipments are likely to be subject to delays depending on the administrative deadlines derived from the application for export permits process. ANTX2-203 2023-13744.

N. 84687291

Impero romano. Tetricus I & Gallienus. Lot comprising two (2) antoninianus  (Senza Prezzo di Riserva)

Impero romano. Tetricus I & Gallienus. Lot comprising two (2) antoninianus (Senza Prezzo di Riserva)

Lot of 2 Antoninianus - Roman Empire

Tetricus I (270-274 AD.) Bronze antoninianus (2.37 g. 17 mm.). Cologne mint.
IMP TETRICVS P F AVG, radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right /
COMES AVG, Victory walking left, holding wreath and palm.
RIC 57.

Gallienus. (A.D. 253-268.) Silvered bronze antoninianus (2,68 g., 21 mm) Gallienus Zoo series. Rome mint, A.D. 267/8.
GALLIENVS AVG, radiate head of Gallienus right /
DIANAE CONS AVG, stag standing left // X.
RIC 179.

Shipments to destinations outside of Spain (both in the EU and third countries) are subject to the processing of export licenses,
but only those from third countries will be charged at a rate of 5%.
Shipments are likely to be subject to delays depending on the administrative deadlines derived from the application for export permits process.

ANTX2-203 2023-13744.

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