Date: ca. 1900
This pair are so very eye-catching, not only due to their emblematic Art Nouveau look but also due to their large size!
These proud peacocks have lavish double plumage on both sides of the opening. The peacock bodies are assimilated with the shape of the vase, with their turned heads being in full-relief, and their bodies in low-relief. They stand on a round foot on which one sees the signature Van De Voorde. There are floral motifs in low-relief on the sides and back of the vases.
These are made of pewter. They were made to be mounted on a marble base and to serve as an ornamental vase (and so not an actual vase for holding water). A previous owner has made a hole in the back ‘plumage’ layer in order to be able to hang them up on a wall; personally I think this is a rather clever way of displaying them although some might argue this is damaging the item.
Georges Van De Voorde (1878-1964) was a Belgian sculptor who was professor at the Academy of Decorative Arts in Brussels. His works are especially in the Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles and tend to go for high prices in the auction world. This pair of peacocks was also produced in a gilt bronze version and was estimated at auction at 1500 to 2000 USD.

Good. No damage apart from the hole made to hang the item up on the wall. The original bases are missing.

33 cm high, 17 cm wide, 10 cm deep, 1.8 kg each
13” high, 6.7” wide, 3.9” deep, 3.96 pounds each

Az eladó története

Belgiumban élek, de nemzetközileg egy E-Butique-on keresztül és Delagan néven értékesítek. Dekoratív antik és vintage gyűjteményi tárgyak, apró bútorok egyedi választékát kínálom. Válogatásom eklektikus, antik piacokon, magánszemélyeknél és aukciókon található. Régészeti és művészettörténeti diplomám, egy antik restaurátor tanfolyam, valamint egy 4 éves, kormány által szervezett antikvitás és művészettörténeti kurzus hiteles alapot adott az antikvadászathoz. De mindenekelőtt a csodálatos, lelkes tárgyak iránti szenvedélyem, amelyek feldobják a napomat, és inspirálnak a tanulmányozásukra.
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Date: ca. 1900
This pair are so very eye-catching, not only due to their emblematic Art Nouveau look but also due to their large size!
These proud peacocks have lavish double plumage on both sides of the opening. The peacock bodies are assimilated with the shape of the vase, with their turned heads being in full-relief, and their bodies in low-relief. They stand on a round foot on which one sees the signature Van De Voorde. There are floral motifs in low-relief on the sides and back of the vases.
These are made of pewter. They were made to be mounted on a marble base and to serve as an ornamental vase (and so not an actual vase for holding water). A previous owner has made a hole in the back ‘plumage’ layer in order to be able to hang them up on a wall; personally I think this is a rather clever way of displaying them although some might argue this is damaging the item.
Georges Van De Voorde (1878-1964) was a Belgian sculptor who was professor at the Academy of Decorative Arts in Brussels. His works are especially in the Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles and tend to go for high prices in the auction world. This pair of peacocks was also produced in a gilt bronze version and was estimated at auction at 1500 to 2000 USD.

Good. No damage apart from the hole made to hang the item up on the wall. The original bases are missing.

33 cm high, 17 cm wide, 10 cm deep, 1.8 kg each
13” high, 6.7” wide, 3.9” deep, 3.96 pounds each

Az eladó története

Belgiumban élek, de nemzetközileg egy E-Butique-on keresztül és Delagan néven értékesítek. Dekoratív antik és vintage gyűjteményi tárgyak, apró bútorok egyedi választékát kínálom. Válogatásom eklektikus, antik piacokon, magánszemélyeknél és aukciókon található. Régészeti és művészettörténeti diplomám, egy antik restaurátor tanfolyam, valamint egy 4 éves, kormány által szervezett antikvitás és művészettörténeti kurzus hiteles alapot adott az antikvadászathoz. De mindenekelőtt a csodálatos, lelkes tárgyak iránti szenvedélyem, amelyek feldobják a napomat, és inspirálnak a tanulmányozásukra.
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1,8 kg
Elemek száma
Műalkotás címe
Pair of Large Ornamental Art Nouveau Pewter Peacocks Signed by G. Van De Voorde
Georges Van De Voorde
Elfogadható állapotban - sokat használt, esetlegesen hiányzó apróbb részekkel
33 cm
17 cm
10 cm
Becsült időszak
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