Nr. 92876101

Ikon - Arkangyal Tanács, kézzel festett fából készült ikon - Fa
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Ikon - Arkangyal Tanács, kézzel festett fából készült ikon - Fa

Icon of the Council of the Archangels. The icon "Council of the Archangels" is an icon from the early Renaissance of the XVIII-XIX centuries. The original is located in the Troyan Monastery "Assumption of the Virgin Mary" in Bulgaria. The author of the original icon is considered to be Zachary Zograf. Materials - tempera paints, wood, gold varak. Condition - very good. Origin - Troyan / Bulgaria. Angels are disembodied forces, servants of God and guardians of men. According to the service of God and their relation to men, the angels appear in nine orders of three persons or rows. The first, highest rank, are seraphim, cherubim and thrones. The second rank is possessions, powers and authorities. The third row is beginnings, archangels and angels. This icon is in honor of the holy angels and especially of St. Archangel Michael, whom he considers the leader of the heavenly forces. One of the higher angels - Dennitsa, became proud and dragged many others through his fall, but all the angels under the leadership of St. Archangel Michael, who remained faithful to the Lord, continued to serve Him and sing His glory. The names of Seven Archangels who always stand before God's throne are known. Each of them has its own special ministry. The Word of God presents St. Archangel Michael as the leader of the heavenly forces and fighter against the spirits of darkness. Therefore, he is depicted with a sword in his hand and trampling the devil with his feet. Archangel Gabriel according to St. Scripture is the herald of God's mysteries; Raphael – healer of infirmities; Uriel – enlightener of souls; Salathiel - revered as a supplicant and intercessor before God; Yehudiel - glorifier of the Lord; Varachiel - sender of God's blessings. All angels are considered guardians of humans.

Nr. 92876101

Ikon - Arkangyal Tanács, kézzel festett fából készült ikon - Fa

Ikon - Arkangyal Tanács, kézzel festett fából készült ikon - Fa

Icon of the Council of the Archangels.

The icon "Council of the Archangels" is an icon from the early Renaissance of the XVIII-XIX centuries.
The original is located in the Troyan Monastery "Assumption of the Virgin Mary" in Bulgaria.
The author of the original icon is considered to be Zachary Zograf.
Materials - tempera paints, wood, gold varak.
Condition - very good.
Origin - Troyan / Bulgaria.

Angels are disembodied forces, servants of God and guardians of men. According to the service of God and their relation to men, the angels appear in nine orders of three persons or rows.

The first, highest rank, are seraphim, cherubim and thrones.
The second rank is possessions, powers and authorities.
The third row is beginnings, archangels and angels.

This icon is in honor of the holy angels and especially of St. Archangel Michael, whom he considers the leader of the heavenly forces.

One of the higher angels - Dennitsa, became proud and dragged many others through his fall, but all the angels under the leadership of St. Archangel Michael, who remained faithful to the Lord, continued to serve Him and sing His glory.

The names of Seven Archangels who always stand before God's throne are known. Each of them has its own special ministry.

The Word of God presents St. Archangel Michael as the leader of the heavenly forces and fighter against the spirits of darkness. Therefore, he is depicted with a sword in his hand and trampling the devil with his feet.
Archangel Gabriel according to St. Scripture is the herald of God's mysteries;
Raphael – healer of infirmities;
Uriel – enlightener of souls;
Salathiel - revered as a supplicant and intercessor before God;
Yehudiel - glorifier of the Lord;
Varachiel - sender of God's blessings.

All angels are considered guardians of humans.

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