Nr. 92745745

Henri de Saussure - Histoire physique, naturelle et politique de Madagascar : volume XX: histoire naturelle des - 1890
Végső licit
€ 40
6 héttel ezelőtt

Henri de Saussure - Histoire physique, naturelle et politique de Madagascar : volume XX: histoire naturelle des - 1890

Vol. XX: Histoire naturelle des hyménoptères. XXI, 590 pp.; 27 engraved plates, some tinted. Not bound (as issued); no covers; plates loose. Uncut, unopened. Some preliminary pages with smudges. A very good, clean copy. A very good unused copy of a very rare vol. (as most parts). *Contains the detailed descriptions and illustrations of many new and little known species. It forms part of Alfred and Guillaume Grandidier's magnum opus on the history and natural history of Madagascar, which was published between 1875 and 1958. Henri Louis Frédéric de Saussure (1829 - 1905) was a Swiss mineralogist and entomologist specialising in studies of Hymenoptera and Orthopteroid insects. He also was a prolific taxonomist. Alfred Grandidier (1836 – 1921) was a French naturalist and explorer. After extensive travels around the world, to South America and India, he travelled to Zanzibar. In 1865 he made his first visit to Madagascar. He became devoted to the study of the island, revisiting in 1866 and 1868. After returning to France he began to work on his great work, L'Histoire physique, naturelle et politique de Madagascar. This work was undertaken in cooperation with others. This work ran to 40 volumes, the final volumes published posthumously by his son Guillaume Grandidier. Nissen BBI, 3602. ** This lot is part of an important collection that will be auctioned in the coming months through the Catawiki Collection Service. If you also need assistance to sell your collection at auction, ask for our terms directly at this seller's account! #bookspartnership

Nr. 92745745

Henri de Saussure - Histoire physique, naturelle et politique de Madagascar : volume XX: histoire naturelle des - 1890

Henri de Saussure - Histoire physique, naturelle et politique de Madagascar : volume XX: histoire naturelle des - 1890

Vol. XX: Histoire naturelle des hyménoptères. XXI, 590 pp.; 27 engraved plates, some tinted.
Not bound (as issued); no covers; plates loose.
Uncut, unopened. Some preliminary pages with smudges. A very good, clean copy.
A very good unused copy of a very rare vol. (as most parts).

*Contains the detailed descriptions and illustrations of many new and little known species. It forms part of Alfred and Guillaume Grandidier's magnum opus on the history and natural history of Madagascar, which was published between 1875 and 1958.
Henri Louis Frédéric de Saussure (1829 - 1905) was a Swiss mineralogist and entomologist specialising in studies of Hymenoptera and Orthopteroid insects. He also was a prolific taxonomist.
Alfred Grandidier (1836 – 1921) was a French naturalist and explorer. After extensive travels around the world, to South America and India, he travelled to Zanzibar. In 1865 he made his first visit to Madagascar. He became devoted to the study of the island, revisiting in 1866 and 1868.
After returning to France he began to work on his great work, L'Histoire physique, naturelle et politique de Madagascar. This work was undertaken in cooperation with others. This work ran to 40 volumes, the final volumes published posthumously by his son Guillaume Grandidier.
Nissen BBI, 3602.

** This lot is part of an important collection that will be auctioned in the coming months through the Catawiki Collection Service. If you also need assistance to sell your collection at auction, ask for our terms directly at this seller's account!

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