Nr. 92736523

MÚZEUM! RITKA! Tengerkék FLUORIT Kristályklaszter - Magasság: 8.5 cm - Szélesség: 5 cm- 214 g
Végső licit
€ 35
7 héttel ezelőtt

MÚZEUM! RITKA! Tengerkék FLUORIT Kristályklaszter - Magasság: 8.5 cm - Szélesség: 5 cm- 214 g

Blue fluorite from Hesselbach, Germany is highly regarded in the mineral collecting community. Hesselbach, located in the Odenwald region of Germany, is renowned for its deposits of fluorite, including specimens with striking blue coloration. Blue fluorite from Hesselbach can exhibit various shades of blue, ranging from pale sky blue to intense deep blue hues. These specimens often showcase well-defined crystal formations and can be highly prized for their aesthetic appeal. Collectors appreciate the unique beauty and rarity of blue fluorite from Hesselbach, making it a sought-after addition to mineral collections. On this auction we offer You fine sea blue Fluorite from Hesselbach Mine, Oberkirch, Oberkirch, Ortenaukreis, Freiburg Region, Baden-Württemberg Germany. This crystal have a natural contacts. Some photos were made with backlight.Fluorite is a fortunate stone for the Pisces zodiac sign. Its energetic presence supports intuition and tranquility, aligning well with Pisces' sensitivity and creativity. It enhances their spiritual connection, aiding in uncovering deeper meanings and inspiring harmonious living.

Nr. 92736523

MÚZEUM! RITKA! Tengerkék FLUORIT Kristályklaszter - Magasság: 8.5 cm - Szélesség: 5 cm- 214 g

MÚZEUM! RITKA! Tengerkék FLUORIT Kristályklaszter - Magasság: 8.5 cm - Szélesség: 5 cm- 214 g

Blue fluorite from Hesselbach, Germany is highly regarded in the mineral collecting community. Hesselbach, located in the Odenwald region of Germany, is renowned for its deposits of fluorite, including specimens with striking blue coloration.

Blue fluorite from Hesselbach can exhibit various shades of blue, ranging from pale sky blue to intense deep blue hues. These specimens often showcase well-defined crystal formations and can be highly prized for their aesthetic appeal.

Collectors appreciate the unique beauty and rarity of blue fluorite from Hesselbach, making it a sought-after addition to mineral collections.

On this auction we offer You fine sea blue Fluorite from Hesselbach Mine, Oberkirch, Oberkirch, Ortenaukreis, Freiburg Region, Baden-Württemberg Germany.

This crystal have a natural contacts.

Some photos were made with backlight.Fluorite is a fortunate stone for the Pisces zodiac sign. Its energetic presence supports intuition and tranquility, aligning well with Pisces' sensitivity and creativity. It enhances their spiritual connection, aiding in uncovering deeper meanings and inspiring harmonious living.

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