Nr. 92622623

Vaskori Bronz Tál  (Nincs minimálár)
Végső licit
€ 53
6 héttel ezelőtt

Vaskori Bronz Tál (Nincs minimálár)

A finely cast Iron Age bronze bowl formed as a wide, open dish. The sides slope regularly from the flattened rim to a slightly flattened base. Both the interior and exterior are unadorned. Green patination coats the surface, alongside earthy encrustations and minor wear consistent with age. In the Iron Age Mediterranean, handles and footless bronze bowls featuring hemispherical containers and curved profiles were richly ornamented with Greek and Etruscan motifs. However, bronze bowls of this kind originated in the ancient Near East during the Iron Age. Differing from the Greek and Etruscan parallels that were normally used for religious occasions, ancient Near Eastern bronze bowls were used by the elite as a daily luxurious object. Measurements: W 12.9cm x H 3.6cm Provenance: Ex London Collection, formed between 1990-present.

Nr. 92622623

Vaskori Bronz Tál  (Nincs minimálár)

Vaskori Bronz Tál (Nincs minimálár)

A finely cast Iron Age bronze bowl formed as a wide, open dish. The sides slope regularly from the flattened rim to a slightly flattened base. Both the interior and exterior are unadorned. Green patination coats the surface, alongside earthy encrustations and minor wear consistent with age.

In the Iron Age Mediterranean, handles and footless bronze bowls featuring hemispherical containers and curved profiles were richly ornamented with Greek and Etruscan motifs. However, bronze bowls of this kind originated in the ancient Near East during the Iron Age. Differing from the Greek and Etruscan parallels that were normally used for religious occasions, ancient Near Eastern bronze bowls were used by the elite as a daily luxurious object.

Measurements: W 12.9cm x H 3.6cm

Provenance: Ex London Collection, formed between 1990-present.

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