Nr. 92464227

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Ógörög Kerámia Pelike Griffinnel és Amazonokkal. Kerch stílus, "G" csoport. Kr.e. 5. század. 16,5 cm.
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7 héttel ezelőtt

Ógörög Kerámia Pelike Griffinnel és Amazonokkal. Kerch stílus, "G" csoport. Kr.e. 5. század. 16,5 cm.

Pelike with Griffin and Amazons. Kerch style, Group "G". Greek, Attic. 4th century BC Ceramic Height 16.5 cm PROVENANCE: Private collection, Joigny, France. 1980. CONDITION: In a good state of preservation. DESCRIPTION: A pelike is a type of small amphora with a wide base and an almost spherical body. This one is decorated with the red-figure technique. The technique of red-figure decoration, which began in Athens in the 5th century BC, consisted of the use of a type of transparent slip to paint the vessel while this was not yet totally dry. It was then fired at a high temperature so that the surface painted with the slip turned black, thus creating a contrast with those areas just showing the red tone of the terracotta. The large vertical handles join the outer edge of the lip to the shoulders of the vase. They seem to divide the visual composition. PARALLELS: - Similar Pelike at the Historical Museum branch in Tula. - Similar Pelikefrom the necrópolis of Tútugi, (Galera, Granada), de hacia . Notes: The piece includes authenticity certificate. The piece includes Spanish Export License (Passport for European Union) - If the piece is destined outside the European Union a substitution of the export permit should be requested. This process could take between 1 and 2 months. #hobbycollection

Nr. 92464227

Már nem érhető el.
Ógörög Kerámia Pelike Griffinnel és Amazonokkal. Kerch stílus, "G" csoport. Kr.e. 5. század. 16,5 cm.

Ógörög Kerámia Pelike Griffinnel és Amazonokkal. Kerch stílus, "G" csoport. Kr.e. 5. század. 16,5 cm.

Pelike with Griffin and Amazons.

Kerch style, Group "G".

Greek, Attic. 4th century BC


Height 16.5 cm

PROVENANCE: Private collection, Joigny, France. 1980.

CONDITION: In a good state of preservation.


A pelike is a type of small amphora with a wide base and an almost spherical body. This one is decorated with the red-figure technique.

The technique of red-figure decoration, which began in Athens in the 5th century BC, consisted of the use of a type of transparent slip to paint the vessel while this was not yet totally dry. It was then fired at a high temperature so that the surface painted with the slip turned black, thus creating a contrast with those areas just showing the red tone of the terracotta.

The large vertical handles join the outer edge of the lip to the shoulders of the vase. They seem to divide the visual composition.


- Similar Pelike at the Historical Museum branch in Tula.

- Similar Pelikefrom the necrópolis of Tútugi, (Galera, Granada), de hacia .


The piece includes authenticity certificate.
The piece includes Spanish Export License (Passport for European Union) - If the piece is destined outside the European Union a substitution of the export permit should be requested. This process could take between 1 and 2 months.


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