Nr. 92330363

Modern Toys - Ón játék - Battery Operated Planet Tank, Space Patrol Vehicle, Boxed - 1950-1960 - Japán
Végső licit
€ 230
8 héttel ezelőtt

Modern Toys - Ón játék - Battery Operated Planet Tank, Space Patrol Vehicle, Boxed - 1950-1960 - Japán

Space tin toy with original box Boxed battery operated tin toy Planet Tank Modern Toys Japan Space Tin Rare with another name in the toy Space Patrol Has Light Occurs With Different Rotating Pictures While Running Fine Litho Print All Over Size :- 20 x 14.50 x 10 Cm The vehicle is in a cone shape, the tip is red and the back is flat. At the back is where there is a compartment for batteries. At the front is also a blue and white band that has red and red plastic ovals which light up when operated. In the centre is a clear plastic window where a toy astronaut sits. The main body is blue with lines that give an effect of grills. At the top are the words 'Capsule 5' written in red. At the bottom are the wheels, the front one allows for direction to change and the back 2 are powered. The box has a plain card base and a printed card top.

Nr. 92330363

Modern Toys - Ón játék - Battery Operated Planet Tank, Space Patrol Vehicle, Boxed - 1950-1960 - Japán

Modern Toys - Ón játék - Battery Operated Planet Tank, Space Patrol Vehicle, Boxed - 1950-1960 - Japán

Space tin toy with original box
Boxed battery operated tin toy
Planet Tank Modern Toys Japan Space Tin Rare with another name in the toy Space Patrol
Has Light Occurs With Different Rotating Pictures While Running

Fine Litho Print All Over
Size :- 20 x 14.50 x 10 Cm

The vehicle is in a cone shape, the tip is red and the back is flat. At the back is where there is a compartment for batteries. At the front is also a blue and white band that has red and red plastic ovals which light up when operated. In the centre is a clear plastic window where a toy astronaut sits. The main body is blue with lines that give an effect of grills. At the top are the words 'Capsule 5' written in red. At the bottom are the wheels, the front one allows for direction to change and the back 2 are powered. The box has a plain card base and a printed card top.

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