Beetlejuice (TV series, 1989/91)
Original animation drawing
Original and unique piece.

Beetlejuice is an animated television series that ran from September 9, 1989, to October 26, 1991, on ABC, and on Fox from September 9 to December 6, 1991. Loosely based on the 1988 film of the same name, it was developed by the film's director, Tim Burton, who also served as an executive producer. The animated series focuses on the life of "baby goth" girl Lydia Deetz and her undead friend Beetlejuice as they explore the Neitherworld, a ghoulish wacky monster supernaturalistic realm inhabited by monsters, ghosts, ghouls, goblins and zombies. Danny Elfman's theme for the film was arranged for the cartoon series by Elfman himself.

The works belongs to the process of creating one the sequences of one episode of the famous cartoon serie.

Good condition with the signs and normal wear of a drawing used in animation production.

Az eladó története

Európa vezető vállalata vagyunk az animációs művészet területén. A legjobb szolgáltatást és a legjobb tételeket kínáljuk. Bízzon benne, ha tőlünk vásárol, 100%-ban pozitív visszajelzéseink vannak :)
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Beetlejuice (TV series, 1989/91)
Original animation drawing
Original and unique piece.

Beetlejuice is an animated television series that ran from September 9, 1989, to October 26, 1991, on ABC, and on Fox from September 9 to December 6, 1991. Loosely based on the 1988 film of the same name, it was developed by the film's director, Tim Burton, who also served as an executive producer. The animated series focuses on the life of "baby goth" girl Lydia Deetz and her undead friend Beetlejuice as they explore the Neitherworld, a ghoulish wacky monster supernaturalistic realm inhabited by monsters, ghosts, ghouls, goblins and zombies. Danny Elfman's theme for the film was arranged for the cartoon series by Elfman himself.

The works belongs to the process of creating one the sequences of one episode of the famous cartoon serie.

Good condition with the signs and normal wear of a drawing used in animation production.

Az eladó története

Európa vezető vállalata vagyunk az animációs művészet területén. A legjobb szolgáltatást és a legjobb tételeket kínáljuk. Bízzon benne, ha tőlünk vásárol, 100%-ban pozitív visszajelzéseink vannak :)
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Elemek száma
Eredeti animációs rajz
Nagyon jó
Beetlejuice (TV series, 1989/91)

2078 visszajelzés (762 az elmúlt 12 hónap során)
  1. 752
  2. 10
  3. 0

Excelente vendedor. Muy buena comunicación y envío rápido. Embalaje perfecto. Repetiré sin duda.

Fordítás megtekintése

There was a mess with the messages from Hellenic Post. But Silver Brothers helped me by sending me a tracking-package link that worked. The drawing was inside a hard envelope, in perfect condition.

Fordítás megtekintése

Respuesta rápida por una duda que tuve con una adquisición. Satisfecho y continuaré confiando en ellos para futuras compras.

Fordítás megtekintése

Articoli stupendi, arrivati in perfetta forma. Sono rimasto molto contento.

Fordítás megtekintése
Az összes visszajelzés megjelenítése

2078 visszajelzés (762 az elmúlt 12 hónap során)
  1. 752
  2. 10
  3. 0