Sphere and heart of natural Peruvian turquoise.
Heart: 7.2 x 6.3 x 3.4 cm – 164 g
Sphere diameter: 7.2 cm – 426 g
The work of these 2 objects was completely handmade and for this reason there are some shape imperfections. The heart has a more uniform color than the sphere.
This turquoise contains inclusions of other minerals which can be clearly seen in the different images.
Photographed under bright light.

Sphere and heart of natural Peruvian turquoise.
Heart: 7.2 x 6.3 x 3.4 cm – 164 g
Sphere diameter: 7.2 cm – 426 g
The work of these 2 objects was completely handmade and for this reason there are some shape imperfections. The heart has a more uniform color than the sphere.
This turquoise contains inclusions of other minerals which can be clearly seen in the different images.
Photographed under bright light.

Fő ásvány/ Meteorit név
Perui türkiz:
Ásványi forma/ Meteoritfajta
Gömb + szív
590 g

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Az összes visszajelzés megjelenítése

12 visszajelzés (10 az elmúlt 12 hónap során)
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