Aguilera / Planet of the Apes - Tribute to the legendary film
Original drawing - sexy girl
35 X 25 ink and watercolor / Quality paper

Juan Aguilera has spent more than 20 years as an illustrator, artistic draftsman, portraitist, and muralist. He has published comics in various horror and fantasy magazines such as Cthulhu magazine. He drew the historical comics “Espadas del fin del mundo” y “1808 Madrid”. He has worked on the backgrounds for the Netflix animated series Memorias de Idhún . He currently works on various film productions in the FX Makeup section and building props for different films. But to drawing and illustration, a passion that he dominates, he always returns, creating wonders.

Aguilera / Planet of the Apes - Tribute to the legendary film
Original drawing - sexy girl
35 X 25 ink and watercolor / Quality paper

Juan Aguilera has spent more than 20 years as an illustrator, artistic draftsman, portraitist, and muralist. He has published comics in various horror and fantasy magazines such as Cthulhu magazine. He drew the historical comics “Espadas del fin del mundo” y “1808 Madrid”. He has worked on the backgrounds for the Netflix animated series Memorias de Idhún . He currently works on various film productions in the FX Makeup section and building props for different films. But to drawing and illustration, a passion that he dominates, he always returns, creating wonders.

2000 után
Elemek száma
by Aguilera
Műalkotás címe
Planet of the Apes (Tribute to the Original Film) - Original Drawing in Ink & Watercolour - 1/1
Kézzel aláírt
Kitűnő állapotú
35 cm
25 cm
2 mm

465 visszajelzés (132 az elmúlt 12 hónap során)
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bien reçu le dessin couleurs sur l égypte antique revu et corrigé par un illustrateur de grand talent ! très bel emballage et envoi très rapide ! un grand MERCI a vous ! et viva Espagna ! bien cordial

Fordítás megtekintése

The comic strip I bought is in great condition and was expertly packaged. I'm very happy with everything and would certainly recommend this seller.

Fordítás megtekintése

Very nice picture, well packed and well delivered. Thank you for the added extra.

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465 visszajelzés (132 az elmúlt 12 hónap során)
  1. 130
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