Title: Candy (ID: 9693BW) B&W Nude portrait of American model Candy. Photographed in natural window light in the Oakland studio, 2007, with Nikon D2X camera

Printed by the photographer, 2019, from original high resolution Nikon raw file, on heavy-weight 11x17" Platine Fiber Rag, fine art paper. Image area is approx 10x15". Signed in pencil, numbered with photographer's hand-written notes in archival ink, verso. This is A/P #2 of a limited edition of 50 prints. Includes signed COA. Mint condition, never sold, buyer is acquiring direct from the artist's archive.

Shipped unframed in sturdy reinforced packaging with archival acetate cover, from California via USPS First Class insured.

Morey is an award winning and widely published American photographer (b. 1952) known for his portraits and erotic studio nudes - a founding director of San Francisco Camerawork Gallery, a contract photographer for Penthouse International in the 80’s and 90’s, featured twice on Playboy TV, and author of 9 monographs of erotic and nude art photography. (Please note: all photo models are over the age of 18)

Title: Candy (ID: 9693BW) B&W Nude portrait of American model Candy. Photographed in natural window light in the Oakland studio, 2007, with Nikon D2X camera

Printed by the photographer, 2019, from original high resolution Nikon raw file, on heavy-weight 11x17" Platine Fiber Rag, fine art paper. Image area is approx 10x15". Signed in pencil, numbered with photographer's hand-written notes in archival ink, verso. This is A/P #2 of a limited edition of 50 prints. Includes signed COA. Mint condition, never sold, buyer is acquiring direct from the artist's archive.

Shipped unframed in sturdy reinforced packaging with archival acetate cover, from California via USPS First Class insured.

Morey is an award winning and widely published American photographer (b. 1952) known for his portraits and erotic studio nudes - a founding director of San Francisco Camerawork Gallery, a contract photographer for Penthouse International in the 80’s and 90’s, featured twice on Playboy TV, and author of 9 monographs of erotic and nude art photography. (Please note: all photo models are over the age of 18)

2000 után
Craig Morey
Műalkotás címe
Candy B&W Nude Portrait in Sunlight (2007)
Digitális nyomat
Eredeti állapot
A/P #2
17 in
Vintage nyomat
Későbbi nyomat
11 in
Elemek száma

57 visszajelzés (18 az elmúlt 12 hónap során)
  1. 18
  2. 0
  3. 0

Great seller, who I was able to pickup the photo in person as I've done in the past! Photo was packed well!

Fordítás megtekintése

Two beautiful photos sent rapidly and in perfect conditions. Thank you very much.

Fordítás megtekintése

Hello Craig, Thanks for the pictures! The big one and the small one. They are absolutely fine. And I found my way to your website. E-mail follows.

Fordítás megtekintése

Lovely photo received today perfectly protected and with a nice gift. Thank you

Fordítás megtekintése

Beautiful nude, beautiful photo, beautiful print, many thanks to the photographer. Received perfectly packed and protected. Thanks for all

Fordítás megtekintése
Az összes visszajelzés megjelenítése

57 visszajelzés (18 az elmúlt 12 hónap során)
  1. 18
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