Nr. 85482023

Anthony Dubois (1979) - Super Mario Bros vintage dollar bill
Végső licit
15 €
4 nappal ezelőtt

Anthony Dubois (1979) - Super Mario Bros vintage dollar bill

Super Mario Bros vintage dollar bill Een 60cm op 24cm vervaardigd kunstwerk van de Frans Amerikaanse kunstenaar Anthony Dubois gemaakt op een brushed high quality alu plaat van 3mm. Een in rood / oranje / beige vintage dollar met daarin op de achtergrond Mario’s wold werk bovenliggend Luigi en Mario omlijnd met gloed zodat ze opvallen. In het midden al de characters uit de Mario’s world. Een haarscherp werk dat opvalt in elke huiskamer of bureau en actueel is met de nieuwe Mario game die gelanceerd is. Bio van de kunstenaar: Anthony Dubois born in France and living in The States Moved in 2001 to New York where he showed his work to a local art dealer who was blown away by his skils and style. The dealer offered to buy some of Anthony’s work and to help him showcase his work at local exhibitions. Anthony’s work gained popularity, and he began to receive more and more commissions. His unique style caught the attention of art collectors and critics alike, and he soon began to make a name for himself in the art world. Today, Anthony is a respected and accomplished artist with a studio in the heart of New York City. He continues to create works that are inspired by comics, colors and movies. His work has been exhibited in galleries all over the world.

Nr. 85482023

Anthony Dubois (1979) - Super Mario Bros vintage dollar bill

Anthony Dubois (1979) - Super Mario Bros vintage dollar bill

Super Mario Bros vintage dollar bill

Een 60cm op 24cm vervaardigd kunstwerk van de Frans Amerikaanse kunstenaar Anthony Dubois gemaakt op een brushed high quality alu plaat van 3mm.

Een in rood / oranje / beige vintage dollar met daarin op de achtergrond Mario’s wold werk bovenliggend Luigi en Mario omlijnd met gloed zodat ze opvallen. In het midden al de characters uit de Mario’s world.

Een haarscherp werk dat opvalt in elke huiskamer of bureau en actueel is met de nieuwe Mario game die gelanceerd is.

Bio van de kunstenaar:
Anthony Dubois born in France and living in The States

Moved in 2001 to New York where he showed his work to a local art dealer who was blown away by his skils and style. The dealer offered to buy some of Anthony’s work and to help him showcase his work at local exhibitions. Anthony’s work gained popularity, and he began to receive more and more commissions.
His unique style caught the attention of art collectors and critics alike, and he soon began to make a name for himself in the art world.

Today, Anthony is a respected and accomplished artist with a studio in the heart of New York City. He continues to create works that are inspired by comics, colors and movies. His work has been exhibited in galleries all over the world.

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