Nr. 85338849

Szobor - Kongó – Nkisi Kozo  (Nincs minimálár)
Végső licit
78 €
1 héttel ezelőtt

Szobor - Kongó – Nkisi Kozo (Nincs minimálár)

A Congo fetish-figure of the Nkisi Kozo. This is a statue of a dog with four faces. The figure is covered with several fetish attachments like nails, fabric and clay. The faces have glass-eye-inlays. Nkisi are spirits or is an object that a spirit inhabits. This is frequently applied to a variety of objects used throughout the Congo Basin in Central Africa. The Nkisi Kozo are said to have the ability to move between the worlds of the living and dead. The Kozo statue is believed to be a Nkondi for women in the community. Because of their ability to transverse between worlds, Nkisi Nkondi Kozo figures are used for the identification of witches and wrongdoers. This statue contains medicins (herbs) to empower the force of the nkisi spirit. In this case the two herb packages are on the back.

Nr. 85338849

Szobor - Kongó – Nkisi Kozo  (Nincs minimálár)

Szobor - Kongó – Nkisi Kozo (Nincs minimálár)

A Congo fetish-figure of the Nkisi Kozo. This is a statue of a dog with four faces. The figure is covered with several fetish attachments like nails, fabric and clay. The faces have glass-eye-inlays.

Nkisi are spirits or is an object that a spirit inhabits. This is frequently applied to a variety of objects used throughout the Congo Basin in Central Africa.

The Nkisi Kozo are said to have the ability to move between the worlds of the living and dead. The Kozo statue is believed to be a Nkondi for women in the community. Because of their ability to transverse between worlds, Nkisi Nkondi Kozo figures are used for the identification of witches and wrongdoers.
This statue contains medicins (herbs) to empower the force of the nkisi spirit. In this case the two herb packages are on the back.

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