1 artist: Rachmaninof
album: Grosse Meister der Musik, 4 records
label: Philips and D.G.F. , STL566
country: Holland
released: 1973
genre: classical
conditions: vinyl: m / cover: m

2 artist: Brahms
album: Grosse Meister der Musik, 4 records
label: Philips and D.G.F. , STL543
country: Holland
released: 1973
genre: classical
conditions: vinyl: m / cover: m

3 artist: Tschaikowsky
album: Grosse meister der Musik, 4 records
label: Philips and D.G.F. , STL541
country: Holland
released: 1973
genre: classical
conditions: vinyl: m / cover: m

4 artist: Dvorak
album: Grosse Meister der Musik, 4 records
label: Philips and D.G.F. , STL554
country: Holland
released: 1973
genre: classical
conditions: vinyl: m / cover: m

5 artist: Berlioz
album: Grosse Meister der Musik, 4 records
label: Philips and D.G.F. , STL545
country: Holland
released: 1973
genre: classical
conditions: vinyl: m / cover: m/nm I opened this box to see whats in it.

shipment by post nl

1 artist: Rachmaninof
album: Grosse Meister der Musik, 4 records
label: Philips and D.G.F. , STL566
country: Holland
released: 1973
genre: classical
conditions: vinyl: m / cover: m

2 artist: Brahms
album: Grosse Meister der Musik, 4 records
label: Philips and D.G.F. , STL543
country: Holland
released: 1973
genre: classical
conditions: vinyl: m / cover: m

3 artist: Tschaikowsky
album: Grosse meister der Musik, 4 records
label: Philips and D.G.F. , STL541
country: Holland
released: 1973
genre: classical
conditions: vinyl: m / cover: m

4 artist: Dvorak
album: Grosse Meister der Musik, 4 records
label: Philips and D.G.F. , STL554
country: Holland
released: 1973
genre: classical
conditions: vinyl: m / cover: m

5 artist: Berlioz
album: Grosse Meister der Musik, 4 records
label: Philips and D.G.F. , STL545
country: Holland
released: 1973
genre: classical
conditions: vinyl: m / cover: m/nm I opened this box to see whats in it.

shipment by post nl

Time Life Musik
5 box sets with classical music from Time Life
Kiadás éve
Various conditions (see description)

1 értékelés (1 az elmúlt 12 hónap során)
  1. 1
  2. 0
  3. 0

1 értékelés (1 az elmúlt 12 hónap során)
  1. 1
  2. 0
  3. 0