Nr. 84870281

Lampis Marco - kiss Me_02
Végső licit
471 €
2 héttel ezelőtt

Lampis Marco - kiss Me_02

Acrylic on canvas Title: kiss Me_02 40X60cm Color protective film. Authentication by the artist. My works are my story, my path, the creative act allows me to meet myself. My paintings are the relationships, the loneliness, the everyday life of the people I observe, that I respect, that I hate: all parts of me. I investigate and represent contradictions, those that are explosively coming to light today, to research and focus on the deepest emotional contrasts. Inventing combinations of disconnected people with unreal places allows me to seek and find new narrative solutions that I continue to play with and surprise myself. I focus on what allows me to reveal the absurd, on what needs to be shown to question meaning. I will continue to investigate the world to know myself better and better. Representing the energy and invisible force behind everything, capturing the vital tension of humanity through new colors and unusual brushstrokes is my greatest challenge.

Nr. 84870281

Lampis Marco - kiss Me_02

Lampis Marco - kiss Me_02

Acrylic on canvas
Title: kiss Me_02
Color protective film.
Authentication by the artist.

My works are my story, my path, the creative act allows me to meet myself.
My paintings are the relationships, the loneliness, the everyday life of the people I observe, that I respect, that I hate: all parts of me.
I investigate and represent contradictions, those that are explosively coming to light today, to research and focus on the deepest emotional contrasts. Inventing combinations of disconnected people with unreal places allows me to seek and find new narrative solutions that I continue to play with and surprise myself. I focus on what allows me to reveal the absurd, on what needs to be shown to question meaning. I will continue to investigate the world to know myself better and better.
Representing the energy and invisible force behind everything, capturing the vital tension of humanity through new colors and unusual brushstrokes is my greatest challenge.

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