USSR cameras: Zorkiy-5 Group-1 Issue-4 & Zorkiy-4 Group-1 Issue-6 + gift

"Zorkiy-5" Group-1 Issue-4

Functionality: fully functional - the lens and viewfinder lenses are clean, viewfinder visibility is good - without distortion, focusing and aperture operation is smooth and pleasant. The diaphragm blades are dry and free of excess lubrication. The shutter handles the entire range of shutter speeds perfectly. The self-timer works. The sync contact was not checked due to the lack of a flash.

"Zorkiy-4" Group-1 Issue-6

Functionality: partially inoperative - the lens and viewfinder lenses are clean, viewfinder visibility is good - without distortion, aperture operation is smooth and pleasant, focusing does not occur, apparently jammed. The diaphragm blades are dry and free of excess lubrication. The shutter operates the entire range of shutter speeds normally, within normal limits. The self-timer works. The sync contact was not checked due to the lack of a flash. The leather box is torn at the break. There is no film rewind head.

The last photograph presented in the lot (on the right is a description of the camera, series and its features) is a photocopy from the catalogue, the screenshot is presented as a guide for identifying the model and is not part of the lot. .

Your parcel will be packed as securely as possible by me personally, taking on all possible risks during transportation: falling from hands, pressure from neighboring parcels from above and from the sides, rain, snow and similar force majeure circumstances. You do not pay anything for materials and packaging of goods, packaging material is at my expense, as a bonus.

Attention!! The cameras have all the signs of full or partial operability, but the functional description is presented to potential buyers for information about the performance of the mechanisms and optics, but I am not a manufacturer’s guarantor and do not provide a guarantee for this equipment. I am just a collector and a passionate lover of vintage cameras, and as a doctor I simply describe the patient’s diagnosis, and leave the right of treatment to the future buyer, depending on whether he will take photographs with it or just keep it. collection on the shelf for the sake of beauty and atmosphere. To avoid claims: the items presented in the ad are sold as museum or collection exhibits, without a guarantee of full functionality or intended use, since they were not tested on film, final photographs were not taken, the warranty period provided by the manufacturer expired more than 60 -80 years ago! ! I can send a parcel from any country in the world, depending on where I am at the moment. The cost of shipping and delivery may be slightly higher than the cost of delivery by the carrier due to the fact that the post office is located at a great distance from me and I have added the cost of gasoline for delivery to the carrier's office and return home. . By placing a bid or purchasing an item at a fixed price, you confirm that you have no claims regarding the above!!

USSR cameras: Zorkiy-5 Group-1 Issue-4 & Zorkiy-4 Group-1 Issue-6 + gift

"Zorkiy-5" Group-1 Issue-4

Functionality: fully functional - the lens and viewfinder lenses are clean, viewfinder visibility is good - without distortion, focusing and aperture operation is smooth and pleasant. The diaphragm blades are dry and free of excess lubrication. The shutter handles the entire range of shutter speeds perfectly. The self-timer works. The sync contact was not checked due to the lack of a flash.

"Zorkiy-4" Group-1 Issue-6

Functionality: partially inoperative - the lens and viewfinder lenses are clean, viewfinder visibility is good - without distortion, aperture operation is smooth and pleasant, focusing does not occur, apparently jammed. The diaphragm blades are dry and free of excess lubrication. The shutter operates the entire range of shutter speeds normally, within normal limits. The self-timer works. The sync contact was not checked due to the lack of a flash. The leather box is torn at the break. There is no film rewind head.

The last photograph presented in the lot (on the right is a description of the camera, series and its features) is a photocopy from the catalogue, the screenshot is presented as a guide for identifying the model and is not part of the lot. .

Your parcel will be packed as securely as possible by me personally, taking on all possible risks during transportation: falling from hands, pressure from neighboring parcels from above and from the sides, rain, snow and similar force majeure circumstances. You do not pay anything for materials and packaging of goods, packaging material is at my expense, as a bonus.

Attention!! The cameras have all the signs of full or partial operability, but the functional description is presented to potential buyers for information about the performance of the mechanisms and optics, but I am not a manufacturer’s guarantor and do not provide a guarantee for this equipment. I am just a collector and a passionate lover of vintage cameras, and as a doctor I simply describe the patient’s diagnosis, and leave the right of treatment to the future buyer, depending on whether he will take photographs with it or just keep it. collection on the shelf for the sake of beauty and atmosphere. To avoid claims: the items presented in the ad are sold as museum or collection exhibits, without a guarantee of full functionality or intended use, since they were not tested on film, final photographs were not taken, the warranty period provided by the manufacturer expired more than 60 -80 years ago! ! I can send a parcel from any country in the world, depending on where I am at the moment. The cost of shipping and delivery may be slightly higher than the cost of delivery by the carrier due to the fact that the post office is located at a great distance from me and I have added the cost of gasoline for delivery to the carrier's office and return home. . By placing a bid or purchasing an item at a fixed price, you confirm that you have no claims regarding the above!!

KMZ Krasnogorsk
Model/ type nr
USSR cameras: Zorkiy-5 Group-1 Issue-4 & Zorkiy-4 Group-1 Issue-6 + gift
Tesztelt és működő
Not tested
Lencsetípus (fotográfia)
35 mm
Becsült időszak

7 visszajelzés (7 az elmúlt 12 hónap során)
  1. 5
  2. 0
  3. 2

El producto coincide completamente con la descripción (incluso las motas de polvo entre lentes que no se mencionan pero visibles en las fotos del producto). Vendedor muy agradable

Fordítás megtekintése
Az eladó válasza

Mi querido amigo)) Muchas gracias por tus cálidas y amables palabras y por tus nobles actos masculinos)))

Description must be tested and working ,or not guarandeed.Not both.Pictures are less than helpfull.A broken and soldering mechanism isn't mentioned.The seller description doesn't match the condition.

Fordítás megtekintése
Az eladó válasza

Мой Дорогой друг, здравствуйте)) Я честно описал состояние камеры в меру знаний и моей компетенции, если что-то не досмотрела - то сердечно меня простите. Мыслей утаивать или закрывать не было вообще. В описании лота внизу видно, что фотоаппарат продается как музейный экспонат без гарантий полной работоспособности, значит, вы знали и понимали риски и на то, что шли изготовление установки.

Objectif Helios reçu inutisisable, mise au point impossible quelle que soit la distance, bague de diaphragme inversée. Réponse assez moqueuse du vendeur et aucune réponse de Catawiki, inadmissible.

Fordítás megtekintése
Az eladó válasza

You should have researched that this lens is not used on DSLR cameras before participating in the auction and bidding on this lens. I informed you about this and said that first of all you need to write a letter of complaint to the moderator and provide video and photo evidence that I implausibly described the condition of the lot, although I indicated the complete truth about the condition and performance of the lens. You began to threaten and how The investigation left me a negative review. You must be ashamed!!

Az összes visszajelzés megjelenítése

7 visszajelzés (7 az elmúlt 12 hónap során)
  1. 5
  2. 0
  3. 2

El producto coincide completamente con la descripción (incluso las motas de polvo entre lentes que no se mencionan pero visibles en las fotos del producto). Vendedor muy agradable

Fordítás megtekintése
Az eladó válasza

Mi querido amigo)) Muchas gracias por tus cálidas y amables palabras y por tus nobles actos masculinos)))