Nr. 83638681

Jizô stele - Gránit - Japán - "Shôwa 3" 昭和三年, Anno 1928
Végső licit
550 €
7 héttel ezelőtt

Jizô stele - Gránit - Japán - "Shôwa 3" 昭和三年, Anno 1928

A stele, crafted from grey hand-carved granite, featuring a relief of Jizô depicted as a meditating monk in a standing pose. The sides of the stele bear dated inscription "Shôwa 3" 昭和三年, Anno 1928. Designed to be partially buried for stable installation. Jizô, or Ojizô-sama as he is reverently called in Japan, stands as one of the most beloved deities across the nation. His figures are frequently encountered, notably alongside roads and within cemeteries. Jizô fulfils various roles, serving as the guardian of travellers, children, and women during childbirth. He is particularly esteemed for his merciful acts towards those enduring the torments of hell, among the Six Realms of Existence. Characterized by his monk's attire and a visage of open-hearted compassion, Jizô is always ready to respond to those in distress. Dimensions: Height 69.5 cm, Width 25.5 cm, Depth 14 cm. Weight 36.5 kg. It has an appealing outdoorsy patina by being placed outside for many years. It is in a good original condition. Some natural natural fissures, that do not go all the way through (see photo for details). Please have a look at the photos for a clear condition reference. When shipped we will also add a certificate of authenticity.

Nr. 83638681

Jizô stele - Gránit - Japán - "Shôwa 3" 昭和三年, Anno 1928

Jizô stele - Gránit - Japán - "Shôwa 3" 昭和三年, Anno 1928

A stele, crafted from grey hand-carved granite, featuring a relief of Jizô depicted as a meditating monk in a standing pose. The sides of the stele bear dated inscription "Shôwa 3" 昭和三年, Anno 1928.
Designed to be partially buried for stable installation.

Jizô, or Ojizô-sama as he is reverently called in Japan, stands as one of the most beloved deities across the nation. His figures are frequently encountered, notably alongside roads and within cemeteries. Jizô fulfils various roles, serving as the guardian of travellers, children, and women during childbirth. He is particularly esteemed for his merciful acts towards those enduring the torments of hell, among the Six Realms of Existence. Characterized by his monk's attire and a visage of open-hearted compassion, Jizô is always ready to respond to those in distress.

Height 69.5 cm, Width 25.5 cm, Depth 14 cm.
Weight 36.5 kg.

It has an appealing outdoorsy patina by being placed outside for many years. It is in a good original condition. Some natural natural fissures, that do not go all the way through (see photo for details). Please have a look at the photos for a clear condition reference.

When shipped we will also add a certificate of authenticity.

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