Nr. 82489173

NumericEric (1966) - Retro Pop Future #42
Végső licit
100 €
11 héttel ezelőtt

NumericEric (1966) - Retro Pop Future #42

- Retro Pop Future Series Digital work from the "Retro Pop Future" series, available in 5 copies in 40X40cm format. Printed on Aluminum / Dibond support and hanging system with aluminum rails. A beautiful mirror effect that enhances and optimizes the work's vivid colors. Signed on back, 1/05 NumericEric (1966) A visual and sound artist, NumericEric has been working with digital technology since the early 90s. His work and performances have been presented at numerous festivals and events around the globe for over 25 years. His background in DJ / VJ and electronic music led her early on to an interpretation of artistic creation with no distinct boundaries between sound and image. Today, using the digital tools of our time, he continues to create and experiment with new artistic avenues and possibilities.

Nr. 82489173

NumericEric (1966) - Retro Pop Future #42

NumericEric (1966) - Retro Pop Future #42

- Retro Pop Future Series

Digital work from the "Retro Pop Future" series, available in 5 copies in 40X40cm format. Printed on Aluminum / Dibond support and hanging system with aluminum rails. A beautiful mirror effect that enhances and optimizes the work's vivid colors. Signed on back, 1/05

NumericEric (1966) A visual and sound artist, NumericEric has been working with digital technology since the early 90s. His work and performances have been presented at numerous festivals and events around the globe for over 25 years. His background in DJ / VJ and electronic music led her early on to an interpretation of artistic creation with no distinct boundaries between sound and image. Today, using the digital tools of our time, he continues to create and experiment with new artistic avenues and possibilities.

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