Nr. 78188341

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) - Framed Film Cells display with COA
Végső licit
45 €
22 héttel ezelőtt

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) - Framed Film Cells display with COA

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) Cells display with hand-crafted frames featuring selected film cells from the actual movie, with a mini-movie poster. When these are held up to the light, you can see straight through the mounted cine film at the character or scene. They come with an embossed certificate of authenticity. -Limited Edition & 100% Genuine 35mm Film Cell Memorabilia Presentation for Collectors -Certificate of Authenticity. -Preserved on a plastic sheet -The film cell display is provided by a 20 x 25 cm premium frame to show off it to the max -High-quality Perspex / double mounted with high-grade acid-free mount board

Nr. 78188341

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) - Framed Film Cells display with COA

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) - Framed Film Cells display with COA

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) Cells display with hand-crafted frames featuring selected film cells from the actual movie, with a mini-movie poster. When these are held up to the light, you can see straight through the mounted cine film at the character or scene. They come with an embossed certificate of authenticity.

-Limited Edition & 100% Genuine 35mm Film Cell Memorabilia Presentation for Collectors
-Certificate of Authenticity.
-Preserved on a plastic sheet
-The film cell display is provided by a 20 x 25 cm premium frame to show off it to the max
-High-quality Perspex / double mounted with high-grade acid-free mount board

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