Here we see all types of people, men and women of all shapes, ages, colors, and classes: investment banker, junkie, bookseller, closet queen, unemployed pregnant woman, actor, cashier, Harvard grad student, retired salesman, nanny, and security guard, among them. As diverse and unique as these individuals are, one can't help but be struck by the realization that the banker and the junkie are not all that different after all. On a basic level, we're all the same, human and vulnerable.

Unlike traditional nude photography, these lack any overtly erotic or sexual quality; they are simply real people who reveal both their public (clothed) selves and their private (naked) selves. Friedler's approach is akin to the anthropologist. His work as a documentary photographer is an investigation into humanity, a survey and study of people. If clothing is a voluntary choice, unclothed we see people in an involuntary state-we see their bodies as we see their faces, unmasked. At once deeply intimate and surprisingly matter of fact, these images reveal more of our commonality than our differences.

A short, funny text has been written on the opening page of the book, see last photo.

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Here we see all types of people, men and women of all shapes, ages, colors, and classes: investment banker, junkie, bookseller, closet queen, unemployed pregnant woman, actor, cashier, Harvard grad student, retired salesman, nanny, and security guard, among them. As diverse and unique as these individuals are, one can't help but be struck by the realization that the banker and the junkie are not all that different after all. On a basic level, we're all the same, human and vulnerable.

Unlike traditional nude photography, these lack any overtly erotic or sexual quality; they are simply real people who reveal both their public (clothed) selves and their private (naked) selves. Friedler's approach is akin to the anthropologist. His work as a documentary photographer is an investigation into humanity, a survey and study of people. If clothing is a voluntary choice, unclothed we see people in an involuntary state-we see their bodies as we see their faces, unmasked. At once deeply intimate and surprisingly matter of fact, these images reveal more of our commonality than our differences.

A short, funny text has been written on the opening page of the book, see last photo.

Shipping: registered with tracking.

Nombre de livres
Art, Photographie, Érotique
Titre du livre
Naked New York
Auteur/ Illustrateur
Greg Friedler
Année de publication de l’ouvrage le plus ancien
18,5 cm
1ère édition
24 cm
Langue originale
Couverture souple
Nombre de pages

826 évaluations (74 au cours des 12 derniers mois)
  1. 73
  2. 1
  3. 0

tutto perfetto, niente da aggiungere.raccomandato.

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Speedily received, correctly packaged, ordered book in pristine condition

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Zijn goed aangekomen en in goedestaat. Ben er blij mee, nu wachten op de volgende die nog komt. Marcel Kroeze

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Alles wie Beschrieben,schnelle Lieferung und gut verpackt.Alles Top 👍

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Net en snel verzonden, blijft in contact en bereikbaar en is vriendelijk

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Superfast delivery and good quality, super seller!

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Fast shipping and beautiful artwork! Very happy with my purchase :)

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Voir les évaluations

826 évaluations (74 au cours des 12 derniers mois)
  1. 73
  2. 1
  3. 0

tutto perfetto, niente da aggiungere.raccomandato.

Voir la traduction

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