Aleksandra Lacheta, a graduate of the Władysław Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, earned her diploma in the studio of Professor Łukasz Chmielewski. She works in painting, drawing, and graphic design. In 2020, she was nominated for the "Prime Stage" award at the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. She participated in exhibitions, including the "Art Naif Festival" at the Szyb and Wilson Gallery in 2021. Lacheta also paints for charity, including for the WOŚP Foundation.

Her art focuses on animal motifs, depicted in a subtle, somewhat fairytale-like manner. Drawing inspiration from nature, she portrays animals both realistically and fantastically. Lacheta aims for the animals in her paintings to evoke emotions: curiosity, sympathy, and even a smile triggered by pleasant memories or associations. In painting portraits of human companions, she focuses on animals as living and significant beings. Through her work, she seeks to establish a connection with the viewer, aiming to evoke empathy and reflection.

Acrylic/canvas, 50 x 50 cm; signed and dated on the reverse: 'Aleksandra Lacheta '21',
The painting will be packed in bubble wrap and thick cardboard.

Aleksandra Lacheta, a graduate of the Władysław Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, earned her diploma in the studio of Professor Łukasz Chmielewski. She works in painting, drawing, and graphic design. In 2020, she was nominated for the "Prime Stage" award at the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. She participated in exhibitions, including the "Art Naif Festival" at the Szyb and Wilson Gallery in 2021. Lacheta also paints for charity, including for the WOŚP Foundation.

Her art focuses on animal motifs, depicted in a subtle, somewhat fairytale-like manner. Drawing inspiration from nature, she portrays animals both realistically and fantastically. Lacheta aims for the animals in her paintings to evoke emotions: curiosity, sympathy, and even a smile triggered by pleasant memories or associations. In painting portraits of human companions, she focuses on animals as living and significant beings. Through her work, she seeks to establish a connection with the viewer, aiming to evoke empathy and reflection.

Acrylic/canvas, 50 x 50 cm; signed and dated on the reverse: 'Aleksandra Lacheta '21',
The painting will be packed in bubble wrap and thick cardboard.

Après 2000
Vendu(e) par
Nombre d’articles
Aleksandra Lacheta
Titre de l'œuvre d'art
Insomnia (series MOUTAINS)
Acrylique sur toile
Signé à la main
Pays d’origine
Blanc, Bleu
Excellent état
50 cm
50 cm
3 cm
1 kg
Paysage abstrait
Vendu avec cadre
2020 et après

4 évaluations (5 au cours des 12 derniers mois)
  1. 5
  2. 0
  3. 0

Schneller Versand, gute Verpackung und tolles Bild.

Voir la traduction
Voir les évaluations

4 évaluations (5 au cours des 12 derniers mois)
  1. 5
  2. 0
  3. 0

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