A Brother EP-20 portable electronic typewriter complete with its case, a packet of thermal paper, two packed ink ribbons (plus one partially used in the machine), original documentation and invoice.
This was a fascinating piece of technology at the time because it is so tiny and light. It can use either thermal paper or ordinary paper with ink ribbons. It can run on batteries or on the main (no main adapter included though).
See this video for more explanations : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILt8X-VavKw

A Brother EP-20 portable electronic typewriter complete with its case, a packet of thermal paper, two packed ink ribbons (plus one partially used in the machine), original documentation and invoice.
This was a fascinating piece of technology at the time because it is so tiny and light. It can use either thermal paper or ordinary paper with ink ribbons. It can run on batteries or on the main (no main adapter included though).
See this video for more explanations : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILt8X-VavKw

EP-20 Portable Electronic Typewriter
Année de fabrication
État neuf
En état de marche

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