Très bien emballé ! Merci !
Voir la traductionNéoclassique Socle architectural - XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle - colonnes de marbre sucrées
Nº 92418225
I am selling 1 beautiful bases of ancient columns, 17th-18th century, in Parian marble (lychnites) also called zucchero marble, a variety of white marble with a very fine grain, particularly valuable, coming from the quarries on the island of Paros in Greece, mainly used for statuary both in Greece and Rome. There is a wonderful patina of time (lichens) that enhances the beauty of these two ancient pieces of marble carved by hand, suitable as decorative objects in any furnishing context, from classic to modern. The measurements of the bases are these: Base.1: height 25 cm square base 18x18 cm weight 7.6 kg
I am selling 1 beautiful bases of ancient columns, 17th-18th century, in Parian marble (lychnites) also called zucchero marble, a variety of white marble with a very fine grain, particularly valuable, coming from the quarries on the island of Paros in Greece, mainly used for statuary both in Greece and Rome. There is a wonderful patina of time (lichens) that enhances the beauty of these two ancient pieces of marble carved by hand, suitable as decorative objects in any furnishing context, from classic to modern. The measurements of the bases are these: Base.1: height 25 cm square base 18x18 cm weight 7.6 kg
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bonjour, envoi rapide et soigné, merci, histoire mythologie, conte et légendes réunies
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