Météorite lunaire Bechar 006. Brèche feldspathique. - 2.09 g
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€ 30
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Météorite lunaire Bechar 006. Brèche feldspathique. - 2.09 g

Bechar 006 : 30.894°N, 3.395°W Purchased: 2022 Classification: Lunar meteorite (feldspathic breccia) History: Hundreds of stones were reportedly found in March 2022 and subsequent months by meteorite hunters within the Bechar region, Algeria. About 7 kg of this material were bough by Mohamed Ali Loud, Miguel Angel Contreras Gomez, and Viktor Plamenov Ivanov Physical characteristics: The material occurs in two different varieties. Samples found on the surface have light brown exteriors. The ones found buried have whitish exteriors with orange caliche. All stones lack fusion crust. Interiors are predominately gray with dark gray and white clasts. Some metal grains are macroscopically visible. Petrography: (K. Metzler, IfP) Fine-grained polymict breccia, consisting of mineral fragments (mainly plagioclase, pyroxene, Ca-rich pyroxene, and olivine) and a few anorthositic lithic clasts, set in a compacted fine-grained matrix. The matrix partly represents a crystallized melt. Subrounded units of clast-rich impact melt rocks are admixed. Accessories are ilmenite, troilite, and Ni-bearing metal; one zircon grain (~25 µm) was observed. Shock stage: high Weathering grade: low Classifier: K. Metzler, IfP. This lot comes with certificate, thanks for your interest.


Météorite lunaire Bechar 006. Brèche feldspathique. - 2.09 g

Météorite lunaire Bechar 006. Brèche feldspathique. - 2.09 g

Bechar 006 : 30.894°N, 3.395°W
Purchased: 2022
Classification: Lunar meteorite (feldspathic breccia)
History: Hundreds of stones were reportedly found in March 2022 and subsequent months by meteorite hunters within the Bechar region, Algeria. About 7 kg of this material were bough by Mohamed Ali Loud, Miguel Angel Contreras Gomez, and Viktor Plamenov Ivanov
Physical characteristics: The material occurs in two different varieties. Samples found on the surface have light brown exteriors. The ones found buried have whitish exteriors with orange caliche. All stones lack fusion crust. Interiors are predominately gray with dark gray and white clasts. Some metal grains are macroscopically visible.
Petrography: (K. Metzler, IfP) Fine-grained polymict breccia, consisting of mineral fragments (mainly plagioclase, pyroxene, Ca-rich pyroxene, and olivine) and a few anorthositic lithic clasts, set in a compacted fine-grained matrix. The matrix partly represents a crystallized melt. Subrounded units of clast-rich impact melt rocks are admixed. Accessories are ilmenite, troilite, and Ni-bearing metal; one zircon grain (~25 µm) was observed.
Shock stage: high
Weathering grade: low
Classifier: K. Metzler, IfP.

This lot comes with certificate, thanks for your interest.

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