The Chelsea Scoop
Scarce Night-Life Newspaper

Spring 1979, published by Charlie Tennant

Unfolded: 42x30 cm
Large format softcover. Still in nice condition indeed.

Topics: Martin Amis, David Leland, Andrew Logan, Transmitters, The Immortlists,
Hockney, Einstein, This Heat, The Static, Mondrian, Lene Lovich, Richard O'Brien


Charles Tennant was the son of Colin Tennant, Baron Glenconner,

who famously bought the island of Mustique where Princess Margaret liked to stay.
Charlie had travelled to New York, met Warhol and come back to the UK to make

this very rare magazine. Charlie had his portrait taken by Lichfield and Robert Mapplethorpe.

Charlie was a heroin addict who was eventually disinherited of the family fortune

and died of hepatitis in his 30's. He was 21 when he created this brilliant magazine.

The Chelsea Scoop
Scarce Night-Life Newspaper

Spring 1979, published by Charlie Tennant

Unfolded: 42x30 cm
Large format softcover. Still in nice condition indeed.

Topics: Martin Amis, David Leland, Andrew Logan, Transmitters, The Immortlists,
Hockney, Einstein, This Heat, The Static, Mondrian, Lene Lovich, Richard O'Brien


Charles Tennant was the son of Colin Tennant, Baron Glenconner,

who famously bought the island of Mustique where Princess Margaret liked to stay.
Charlie had travelled to New York, met Warhol and come back to the UK to make

this very rare magazine. Charlie had his portrait taken by Lichfield and Robert Mapplethorpe.

Charlie was a heroin addict who was eventually disinherited of the family fortune

and died of hepatitis in his 30's. He was 21 when he created this brilliant magazine.

Nombre de livres
Titre du livre
The Chelsea Scoop
Très bon
Année de publication de l’ouvrage le plus ancien

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