Campo del Cielo meteorite Météorite de fer - 27 g
Nº 92316233
Campo del Cielo (Silicated)
Campo del Cielo, Iron (IAB) coarse octahedrite. This meteorite was found in Chaco Province, Argentina in 1576. Thousands of pieces have been found, including a 15 TON specimen. Most Campo is very old rusted-out material, very unstable and ugly. However three years ago, a new area was located up in the hills, and the specimens are in almost pristine condition in this area! Some pieces have traces of fusion crust and many flow lines! I moved over two TONS of material two years ago, and then the source dried up almost overnight.
These are silicate inclusions in Campo, large nodules that are olivine-rich! VERY interesting material.
Campo del Cielo (Silicated)
Campo del Cielo, Iron (IAB) coarse octahedrite. This meteorite was found in Chaco Province, Argentina in 1576. Thousands of pieces have been found, including a 15 TON specimen. Most Campo is very old rusted-out material, very unstable and ugly. However three years ago, a new area was located up in the hills, and the specimens are in almost pristine condition in this area! Some pieces have traces of fusion crust and many flow lines! I moved over two TONS of material two years ago, and then the source dried up almost overnight.
These are silicate inclusions in Campo, large nodules that are olivine-rich! VERY interesting material.
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