Eight Poems by Marion Alford - Essex 1964.
Dimensions 27 cm x 18 cm - Hardcover - 34 pp.
An extremely rare book with 8 poems printed on one side, and 8 illustrations printed on one side.
The illustrations are wood or linocuts.

From the attached handwritten letter from Marion to author Melville Chaning-Pearce, we conclude that this was a school project.
Were they the Chelmsford College students from the art department who have cooperated in this ?
Or was it another school ? That is not clear to us.
As well as her connections with author Melville Chaning-Pearce is not clear for us.
Marion Alford wrote the poems and the students provided the accompanying illustrations.
Her letter mention the GGE Chelmsford Technical College school in Essex.
Marion's letter states that only 16 copies of this book were printed.

There is a handwritten assignment in the book to author Melville Chaning-Pearce and his wife Doris.
Conclude, this poetic work of art, and the letters were once in the possession of Melville Chaning-Pearce.
This lot includes the booklet, letter and a handwritten poem.

The condition of this work is good to very good.

Eight Poems by Marion Alford - Essex 1964.
Dimensions 27 cm x 18 cm - Hardcover - 34 pp.
An extremely rare book with 8 poems printed on one side, and 8 illustrations printed on one side.
The illustrations are wood or linocuts.

From the attached handwritten letter from Marion to author Melville Chaning-Pearce, we conclude that this was a school project.
Were they the Chelmsford College students from the art department who have cooperated in this ?
Or was it another school ? That is not clear to us.
As well as her connections with author Melville Chaning-Pearce is not clear for us.
Marion Alford wrote the poems and the students provided the accompanying illustrations.
Her letter mention the GGE Chelmsford Technical College school in Essex.
Marion's letter states that only 16 copies of this book were printed.

There is a handwritten assignment in the book to author Melville Chaning-Pearce and his wife Doris.
Conclude, this poetic work of art, and the letters were once in the possession of Melville Chaning-Pearce.
This lot includes the booklet, letter and a handwritten poem.

The condition of this work is good to very good.

Nombre de livres
Titre du livre
Eight Poems
État raisonnable
Auteur/ Illustrateur
Marion Alford
Année de publication de l’ouvrage le plus ancien
27 27
Édition limitée
18 cm
Langue originale
Couverture rigide
Signé(e) par l'auteur
Nombre de pages

487 évaluations (8 au cours des 12 derniers mois)
  1. 8
  2. 0
  3. 0

Snel verzonden. Goed verpakt. Boek zoals beschreven.

Voir la traduction
Voir les évaluations

487 évaluations (8 au cours des 12 derniers mois)
  1. 8
  2. 0
  3. 0

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