Structural painting made on canvas using mixed media technique (acrylic paints, structural mass, oil paints) protected with varnish. The painting is handmade straight from the artist's workshop. Format 70cmx100cm. Sold without a decorative frame. The sides of the painting are painted over.
The work is accompanied by an author's certificate.

Monika Seroka was born in 1980 in Nisko, Podkarpacie. Polish artist, graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław. Painting, Graphics, former lecturer at an art school. She is known for her extraordinary talent and artistic ingenuity. She found her current, her direction. He constantly expands his creative skills towards mixed media. Multiple winner of competitions in Poland and Europe. Monika Seroka has sold many of her paintings in Poland and around the world. Each such sale ends with a return e-mail containing a description of the wonderful emotions and artistic experiences that collectors experienced after hanging the works on the wall.
Recent exhibitions:

KLIMA & KUNST IX ART CLIMATE CHANGE 19/11/2023- 15/12/2023 Basel
BROADEN YOUR HORIZON March 22 - April 9, 2024 New York
KLIMA & KUNST X ART CLIMATE CHANGE 29/3/2024- 26/4. 2024 Basel
Harmony in Contrast Sfumato Art Gallery May 30 - June 9, 2024 New York
Beyond Borders (Barcelona) MEAM October 11, 2024
More information about the artist can be found on Instagram:

Structural painting made on canvas using mixed media technique (acrylic paints, structural mass, oil paints) protected with varnish. The painting is handmade straight from the artist's workshop. Format 70cmx100cm. Sold without a decorative frame. The sides of the painting are painted over.
The work is accompanied by an author's certificate.

Monika Seroka was born in 1980 in Nisko, Podkarpacie. Polish artist, graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław. Painting, Graphics, former lecturer at an art school. She is known for her extraordinary talent and artistic ingenuity. She found her current, her direction. He constantly expands his creative skills towards mixed media. Multiple winner of competitions in Poland and Europe. Monika Seroka has sold many of her paintings in Poland and around the world. Each such sale ends with a return e-mail containing a description of the wonderful emotions and artistic experiences that collectors experienced after hanging the works on the wall.
Recent exhibitions:

KLIMA & KUNST IX ART CLIMATE CHANGE 19/11/2023- 15/12/2023 Basel
BROADEN YOUR HORIZON March 22 - April 9, 2024 New York
KLIMA & KUNST X ART CLIMATE CHANGE 29/3/2024- 26/4. 2024 Basel
Harmony in Contrast Sfumato Art Gallery May 30 - June 9, 2024 New York
Beyond Borders (Barcelona) MEAM October 11, 2024
More information about the artist can be found on Instagram:

Après 2000
Vendu(e) par
Nombre d’articles
Monika Seroka
Titre de l'œuvre d'art
Rusty/4 - XL
Techniques mixtes sur toile
Signé à la main
Pays d’origine
Excellent état
80 cm
100 cm
2 cm
5 kg
2020 et après

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Ce Lot est mis en vente par un particulier. En conséquence, vous ne disposez pas du droit de rétractation.