Five-horned Dogon mask from the 1960s. Purchased from a Belgian tribal art gallery and previously part of a French private collection. Sold with a certificate of authenticity.

The Dogon are a people of Mali with a population of 1.2 million, known particularly for their mythology, mask dances, wood sculptures, and architecture. Masks and associated dances hold essential significance in the Dogon religious Awa cult, which has both ritual and political importance in their society.
The Dogon are known for over 80 different types of masks, showcasing a rich stylistic diversity. This unique mask variation combines elements of a warrior's helmet and an animal. This mask exhibits a thick, aged patina with traces of red and white paint.

Five-horned Dogon mask from the 1960s. Purchased from a Belgian tribal art gallery and previously part of a French private collection. Sold with a certificate of authenticity.

The Dogon are a people of Mali with a population of 1.2 million, known particularly for their mythology, mask dances, wood sculptures, and architecture. Masks and associated dances hold essential significance in the Dogon religious Awa cult, which has both ritual and political importance in their society.
The Dogon are known for over 80 different types of masks, showcasing a rich stylistic diversity. This unique mask variation combines elements of a warrior's helmet and an animal. This mask exhibits a thick, aged patina with traces of red and white paint.

Ethnie / culture
Nombre d’articles
Pays d’origine
Période estimée
Milieu du XXe siècle
Sold with stand
Bon état
Titre de l’œuvre
44 cm
16 cm
920 g
Galerie / Antiquaire

4 évaluations (4 au cours des 12 derniers mois)
  1. 4
  2. 0
  3. 0

Beautiful piece, and great packaged. Seller totally recommendable. Thanks a lot!

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Objet difficile à trouver. Merci pour votre contribution à ma collection

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Voir les évaluations

4 évaluations (4 au cours des 12 derniers mois)
  1. 4
  2. 0
  3. 0

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