Lothar-Günther Buchheim (born February 6, 1918 in Weimar, died February 22, 2007 in Starnberg) was a painter, photographer, publisher, art book and novelist, filmmaker, collector and founder of the "Buchheim Museum of Fantasy" in Bernried on Starnberger Lake.
The son of the painter Charlotte Buchheim (1891-1964) and brother of Klaus Buchheim, who was two years younger, spent childhood and adolescence in Chemnitz, interrupted by longer stays in Rochlitz and Schneeberg.
Between 1930 and 1933 Buchheim mainly produced linocuts with social themes, but also drew in the stepfather's iron ore foundry and went on painting trips with the mother to the Chemnitz area. In 1933 the first publications about Buchheim appeared in magazines, for example in the "Leipziger Illustrierte" (April 1933): "Art of a 14 year old. Linocuts by L. Günther Buchheim.

orginal offset print

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Lothar-Günther Buchheim (born February 6, 1918 in Weimar, died February 22, 2007 in Starnberg) was a painter, photographer, publisher, art book and novelist, filmmaker, collector and founder of the "Buchheim Museum of Fantasy" in Bernried on Starnberger Lake.
The son of the painter Charlotte Buchheim (1891-1964) and brother of Klaus Buchheim, who was two years younger, spent childhood and adolescence in Chemnitz, interrupted by longer stays in Rochlitz and Schneeberg.
Between 1930 and 1933 Buchheim mainly produced linocuts with social themes, but also drew in the stepfather's iron ore foundry and went on painting trips with the mother to the Chemnitz area. In 1933 the first publications about Buchheim appeared in magazines, for example in the "Leipziger Illustrierte" (April 1933): "Art of a 14 year old. Linocuts by L. Günther Buchheim.

orginal offset print

international shipping + tracking no.

Lothar-Günther Buchheim
Titre de l’affiche
Eeinem Geschenkten Gaul Sschaut Man Nicht ins Maul
Pays d’origine
Période estimée
Années 1960
A- (parfait - minuscules imperfections)
60 cm
43 cm

31 évaluations (15 au cours des 12 derniers mois)
  1. 14
  2. 1
  3. 0

Alles bestens. Gut verpackt u. angekommen bei dem schwierigen Format.

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Voir les évaluations

31 évaluations (15 au cours des 12 derniers mois)
  1. 14
  2. 1
  3. 0

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