My grandparents bought this at an event, I included the below sales receipts and some other information.

Picture measurements are more like 26.6"x20.5" (inches) -- I did open the back and can now get more precise measurements if needed.

There is a dead spider on the picture of the signature. It looks like charcoal with water color or some other pigment used...yellow, that turns a bit orange over the more brown that's also used in the surround of the picture.

Was purchased at an event in Acapulco, at the Galeria Eden.

(There is a dead spider right below and to the right of the signature, I didn't want to disturb the painting by removing it, but it seems innocuous.)

My grandparents bought this at an event, I included the below sales receipts and some other information.

Picture measurements are more like 26.6"x20.5" (inches) -- I did open the back and can now get more precise measurements if needed.

There is a dead spider on the picture of the signature. It looks like charcoal with water color or some other pigment used...yellow, that turns a bit orange over the more brown that's also used in the surround of the picture.

Was purchased at an event in Acapulco, at the Galeria Eden.

(There is a dead spider right below and to the right of the signature, I didn't want to disturb the painting by removing it, but it seems innocuous.)

Arnold Belkin (1930-1992)
Titre de l'oeuvre d'art
Hidalgo #13
Fusain ? Peinture claire, aquarelle, probablement sanguine ? Dessin sur papier
Signé à la main
Excellent état
Dimensions totales
26,5×20×0 in
1 lb

Mentions légales

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Mentions légales

Ce Lot est mis en vente par un particulier. En conséquence, vous ne disposez pas du droit de rétractation.