This huge Murano glass turtle in part of my personal collection. In 2007 I was a guest at the Venice Gritti Palace Hotel, where I visited the San Marco galerie on the Island of Murano, where I bought it together with many other works of art. My company at that time had an emblem of an elephant and a turtle, representing our ethos of not leaving anyone behind, and a guarantee to a long and prosperous life.
Through out the years I grew my collection, but by now I'm persuing other activities, and would like to sell it. The last time I visited the island of Murano was in 2023, where I learned that a smaller version of my turtle, only 40x40cm in size was on sale there for 40 thousand euros. I also found out that the artist, who to my best knowledge was called Umberto has since passed, making my turtle one of a kind, as it has never been replicated at that scale.
Since the 2020 Corona virus outbreak Venice is in a gas shortage, meaning they had to stop the production of large scale Murano glass sculptures, this has not changed since. If you not only want to admire a beautiful work of art day to day, but also want to invest with good return I can only recommend it.
I can undertake any form of shipment with insurance, after payment, based on what we agree on.
If you have any other questions, I'm happy to answer them.

This huge Murano glass turtle in part of my personal collection. In 2007 I was a guest at the Venice Gritti Palace Hotel, where I visited the San Marco galerie on the Island of Murano, where I bought it together with many other works of art. My company at that time had an emblem of an elephant and a turtle, representing our ethos of not leaving anyone behind, and a guarantee to a long and prosperous life.
Through out the years I grew my collection, but by now I'm persuing other activities, and would like to sell it. The last time I visited the island of Murano was in 2023, where I learned that a smaller version of my turtle, only 40x40cm in size was on sale there for 40 thousand euros. I also found out that the artist, who to my best knowledge was called Umberto has since passed, making my turtle one of a kind, as it has never been replicated at that scale.
Since the 2020 Corona virus outbreak Venice is in a gas shortage, meaning they had to stop the production of large scale Murano glass sculptures, this has not changed since. If you not only want to admire a beautiful work of art day to day, but also want to invest with good return I can only recommend it.
I can undertake any form of shipment with insurance, after payment, based on what we agree on.
If you have any other questions, I'm happy to answer them.

Glass type
Verre de Murano
Après 2000
20 kg
Titre informations supplémentaires
Tortue de Murano originale
Nombre d’articles
Fabricant / Marque
Pays d’origine
Multicolore, Vert
Excellent état, à peine utilisé avec des signes minimes d'usure
14 cm
60 cm
60 cm
Période estimée

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Ce Lot est mis en vente par un particulier. En conséquence, vous ne disposez pas du droit de rétractation.