Dom perignon vintage 2012
A year full of paradoxes for winemaking, 2012 gave birth to a great vintage, surmounting multiple challenges.
A series of climate events descended upon the vineyards: frost in the winter and spring, torrential rains, hailstorms and cold spells while the vines were flowering, plus intense heat waves over the summer.
A warm and dry climate alleviated any concerns as to the health of grapes, favoring the maturation of the fruit. The harvest begins on September 10.
Tasting the grapes revealed tremendous promise, with a balance between freshness and generosity.
Dom Pérignon Vintage 2012 reveals a unique structure, resonating to the rhythm of controlled energy. Channelled by an acidity and bitterness that burst forth magnificently, it combines intensity, contained tautness and extreme contradictions.
The nose is full and varied, mingling flowers with fruit, then vegetal with mineral.
The bouquet is tactile, subtly enticing us along a trail of powdery white flowers and nectarous apricot, followed by the freshness of rhubarb and mint, and the minerality of ash.
Energy dominates on the palate. After a welcoming open the wine quickly becomes vibrant and then literally explodes with a surge of effervescence and a tonic sensation.
Focused by acidic and bitter notes, the finish brings a penetrating tautness, marked by ginger, tobacco and toastiness.

Dom perignon vintage 2012
A year full of paradoxes for winemaking, 2012 gave birth to a great vintage, surmounting multiple challenges.
A series of climate events descended upon the vineyards: frost in the winter and spring, torrential rains, hailstorms and cold spells while the vines were flowering, plus intense heat waves over the summer.
A warm and dry climate alleviated any concerns as to the health of grapes, favoring the maturation of the fruit. The harvest begins on September 10.
Tasting the grapes revealed tremendous promise, with a balance between freshness and generosity.
Dom Pérignon Vintage 2012 reveals a unique structure, resonating to the rhythm of controlled energy. Channelled by an acidity and bitterness that burst forth magnificently, it combines intensity, contained tautness and extreme contradictions.
The nose is full and varied, mingling flowers with fruit, then vegetal with mineral.
The bouquet is tactile, subtly enticing us along a trail of powdery white flowers and nectarous apricot, followed by the freshness of rhubarb and mint, and the minerality of ash.
Energy dominates on the palate. After a welcoming open the wine quickly becomes vibrant and then literally explodes with a surge of effervescence and a tonic sensation.
Focused by acidic and bitter notes, the finish brings a penetrating tautness, marked by ginger, tobacco and toastiness.

Dom Pérignon
Nombre de bouteilles
Taille de bouteille
Bouteille (0,75 l)
Pays d’origine
Emballage d’origine
Dans le coffret d’origine
État du bouchon / de la capsule
Capsule métallique entièrement intacte
État de l’étiquette
Étiquette intacte et lisible

8 évaluations (4 au cours des 12 derniers mois)
  1. 3
  2. 1
  3. 0

Helaas zit er een behoorlijk deuk in het blik. Jammer

Voir la traduction

Perfect, parcel sent quickly and safely. Cheers!

Voir la traduction
Voir les évaluations

8 évaluations (4 au cours des 12 derniers mois)
  1. 3
  2. 1
  3. 0

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