- Condition : Excellent
- Age : 2024 New collection
- Material : Ceramic
- Origin : France
- Dimensions (in cm) W23 H25 D23 CM
- Colours : Beige

About the work:
“Boundary Guardian” is a sculpture inspired by armor and natural self-defense mechanisms. It represents my vision of a protective boundary that offers freedom—armor that protects without limiting mobility.
This artwork symbolizes the inner guardian within me. I feel this guardian whispering to me, “Now is the time to set boundaries,”. It shows the importance of personal boundaries in supporting self-growth and self-respect.

About the artist:
Eri Maeda, originally from Japan and now in Paris, is a skilled hand-built ceramic artist with a diverse educational background. She combines her visual communication experience with ceramics to create innovative sculptural forms, leading to exhibitions in Milan, Paris, and London. Her work explores themes of identity, societal norms, and the interplay between tradition and modernity. Eri is dedicated to advancing contemporary ceramic art and continuously challenging herself artistically.

- Condition : Excellent
- Age : 2024 New collection
- Material : Ceramic
- Origin : France
- Dimensions (in cm) W23 H25 D23 CM
- Colours : Beige

About the work:
“Boundary Guardian” is a sculpture inspired by armor and natural self-defense mechanisms. It represents my vision of a protective boundary that offers freedom—armor that protects without limiting mobility.
This artwork symbolizes the inner guardian within me. I feel this guardian whispering to me, “Now is the time to set boundaries,”. It shows the importance of personal boundaries in supporting self-growth and self-respect.

About the artist:
Eri Maeda, originally from Japan and now in Paris, is a skilled hand-built ceramic artist with a diverse educational background. She combines her visual communication experience with ceramics to create innovative sculptural forms, leading to exhibitions in Milan, Paris, and London. Her work explores themes of identity, societal norms, and the interplay between tradition and modernity. Eri is dedicated to advancing contemporary ceramic art and continuously challenging herself artistically.

Après 2000
Pays d’origine
Eri Maeda
Titre de l'œuvre d'art
Boundary Guardian
Signé à la main
Excellent état
23 cm
25 cm
23 cm

1 évaluation (1 au cours des 12 derniers mois)
  1. 1
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  3. 0

Thank you very much for this incredible sculpture. Well packaged and ultra-fast shipped.

Voir la traduction

1 évaluation (1 au cours des 12 derniers mois)
  1. 1
  2. 0
  3. 0

Thank you very much for this incredible sculpture. Well packaged and ultra-fast shipped.

Voir la traduction

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