An amazing Portrait of Queen Wilhelmina, the work talk by itself. Level of professionally with many details and attractions are quite obvious.
Queen Wilhelmina (1880-1962)
When King Willem III died in 1890, his only surviving child was too young to reign. His widow, Queen Emma, acted as regent for her daughter Wilhelmina until 1898.
Queen Wilhelmina then reigned for 50 years, through two world wars and the decolonisation of Indonesia. She and her ministers spent the years from 1940 to 1945 in exile in London. Her steadfast resolve during the war years won her great respect, both in her homeland and abroad.

On 7 February 1901 she married Duke Hendrik of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Their only child, Princess Juliana, was born in 1909. Prince Hendrik died in 1934. In 1948 Queen Wilhelmina abdicated, retiring to Het Loo Palace in Apeldoorn. Following her abdication she was once again addressed as ‘princess’, in accordance with her wishes.
The shipment will be with tracking number, but it cst more than normal size of painting.


An amazing Portrait of Queen Wilhelmina, the work talk by itself. Level of professionally with many details and attractions are quite obvious.
Queen Wilhelmina (1880-1962)
When King Willem III died in 1890, his only surviving child was too young to reign. His widow, Queen Emma, acted as regent for her daughter Wilhelmina until 1898.
Queen Wilhelmina then reigned for 50 years, through two world wars and the decolonisation of Indonesia. She and her ministers spent the years from 1940 to 1945 in exile in London. Her steadfast resolve during the war years won her great respect, both in her homeland and abroad.

On 7 February 1901 she married Duke Hendrik of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Their only child, Princess Juliana, was born in 1909. Prince Hendrik died in 1934. In 1948 Queen Wilhelmina abdicated, retiring to Het Loo Palace in Apeldoorn. Following her abdication she was once again addressed as ‘princess’, in accordance with her wishes.
The shipment will be with tracking number, but it cst more than normal size of painting.


Henrich Windhausen (1857-1922)
Titre de l'œuvre d'art
Portrait of Queen Wilhelmina
Huile sur toile
Signé à la main
Excellent état
94 cm
80 cm
5 cm
5 kg
Pays d’origine
Vendu avec cadre

45 évaluations (3 au cours des 12 derniers mois)
  1. 1
  2. 0
  3. 2

Nur weil ich das Bild zu einem relativ niedrigen Preis erworben habe, hat der Verkäufer sich geweigert das Bild auszuliefern und war auf Nachfrage von Catawiki nicht zu erreichen ! Absolut unverschämt

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Helaas het gekochte kavel nooit ontvangen. Pogingen om met verkoper in contact te komen leidden tot niets. Toch is verkoper nog actief op Catawiki.

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Voir les évaluations

45 évaluations (3 au cours des 12 derniers mois)
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  3. 2

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