Triumph super 7 saloon 1928

Triumph was a car manufacturer founded in 1897 by Siegfried Bettmann and Moritz Schulte. They made bicycles in Coventry, United Kingdom. Around 1910 the company started building motorcycles with success, over the years many motorcycles have been built including the well-known 500cc motorcycle.

Around 1921 after the first war there was a disagreement between the partners, because Schulte wanted to replace bicycle production with the production of cars. Schulte then left the company, but nevertheless Bettmann bought the car factory Hillman. From 1923 a Sedan was built under the name Triumph Motor Company.

The Triumph Super 7 is a car that was produced from 1927 to 1934 by the Triumph Motor Company. It was produced in response to the success of the Austin 7 and was the first Triumph car to be produced in large numbers. In 1933 the name was changed to Triumph Super 8.

From 1927 to 1933 only 17,000 Triumph were produced, including this super 7 saloon from 1928

Registration: NL registration
Engine number: 8398
Chassis number: 8393
KM-stand: 20499
Cylinder capacity: 832 cc

History of this car

This Triumph has a special history. The car was built in early 1928 and then immediately shipped to New Zealand. The car consisted of a rolling chassis with engine and a steering column.

The chassis were also supplied to other coachbuilders, who built their own bodies. That was also done with this car. A coachbuilder in New Zealand built a beautiful body, called MCN (Munt-Cottrell-Nellsen & Co) see photo 33.

The car drove around in New Zealand for years and was restored there in the 80s. Around the year 2000 the car was bought by a German enthusiast and shipped from New Zealand to Germany. The car went to the Netherlands at the end of 2014 and had wonderful years here with an enthusiast, who also won many prizes with this unique car.

What is known is that there are only 3 Triumph Super 7 saloons from 1928 known. 2 still in New Zealand and this Triumph is the only one in Europe.

Car today.

The engine
The engine is a 4 cylinder and produces 832cc. The car has a 3-speed gearbox and everything works properly. It is start, drive and enjoy.

The car is in good condition, all the lights work perfectly and the car already has a Dutch license!

Triumph super 7 saloon 1928

Triumph was a car manufacturer founded in 1897 by Siegfried Bettmann and Moritz Schulte. They made bicycles in Coventry, United Kingdom. Around 1910 the company started building motorcycles with success, over the years many motorcycles have been built including the well-known 500cc motorcycle.

Around 1921 after the first war there was a disagreement between the partners, because Schulte wanted to replace bicycle production with the production of cars. Schulte then left the company, but nevertheless Bettmann bought the car factory Hillman. From 1923 a Sedan was built under the name Triumph Motor Company.

The Triumph Super 7 is a car that was produced from 1927 to 1934 by the Triumph Motor Company. It was produced in response to the success of the Austin 7 and was the first Triumph car to be produced in large numbers. In 1933 the name was changed to Triumph Super 8.

From 1927 to 1933 only 17,000 Triumph were produced, including this super 7 saloon from 1928

Registration: NL registration
Engine number: 8398
Chassis number: 8393
KM-stand: 20499
Cylinder capacity: 832 cc

History of this car

This Triumph has a special history. The car was built in early 1928 and then immediately shipped to New Zealand. The car consisted of a rolling chassis with engine and a steering column.

The chassis were also supplied to other coachbuilders, who built their own bodies. That was also done with this car. A coachbuilder in New Zealand built a beautiful body, called MCN (Munt-Cottrell-Nellsen & Co) see photo 33.

The car drove around in New Zealand for years and was restored there in the 80s. Around the year 2000 the car was bought by a German enthusiast and shipped from New Zealand to Germany. The car went to the Netherlands at the end of 2014 and had wonderful years here with an enthusiast, who also won many prizes with this unique car.

What is known is that there are only 3 Triumph Super 7 saloons from 1928 known. 2 still in New Zealand and this Triumph is the only one in Europe.

Car today.

The engine
The engine is a 4 cylinder and produces 832cc. The car has a 3-speed gearbox and everything works properly. It is start, drive and enjoy.

The car is in good condition, all the lights work perfectly and the car already has a Dutch license!

Super 7
Sijaitsee maassa:
20499 km
hollantilaisessa rekisterissä
Vastaavat numerot
Vastaavat värit
Voimassaoleva MOT
CoC (vaatimustenmukaisuustodistus) olemassa
Todistus saatavilla
Moottorin numero
Alustan numero
Kunto (maali ja runko)
Erittäin hyvä: pieniä lohkeamia tai naarmuja, pientä runko- ja maalityötä
Kunto (sisätilat)
Erinomainen: ei puuttuvia, rikkoutuneita tai vaurioituneita vaihtoa vaativia osio
Kunto (kehys ja alusta)
Erittäin hyvä: runko/rakenne on hyvin säilynyt, vähäisiä käytön/kulumisen merkkejä
Kunto (mekaaninen)
Erinomainen: mekaanisesti hyväkuntoinen, ei vaadi työtä, ei vuotoja, ei vaadi huoltoa
Kunto (yleinen)
Erinomaisessa kunnossa - täydellisessä alkuperäisessä kunnossa


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Catawiki pyrkii aina tarjoamaan sinulle parhaan mahdollisen ostokokemuksen. Asiantuntijamme tarkastavat ja valitsevat jokaisen ajoneuvon virtuaalisesti ilmoittamisohjeidemme mukaisesti, ja vaadimme myyjiltämme mahdollisimman tarkan kuvauksen kustakin ajoneuvosta. Täydellisen yksityiskohtaisen analyysin tarjoaminen ajoneuvosta on kuitenkin erittäin vaikeaa, ellei jopa mahdotonta. Pyydämme myyjiltämme tietoa ajoneuvon kunnosta. Huomaathan, että useimmat myytävät ajoneuvot ovat klassikkoajoneuvoja joilla on jo kokonainen elämä takanaan, ja siksi jopa kuntoluokan 1 tai 2 ajoneuvo saattaa tarvita huoltoa ollakseen ajokunnossa. Odotuksien hallitsemiseksi suosittelemme lukemaan huolellisesti ilmoittamista koskevat ohjeet, joissa kuvaillaan kuntoluokkien ja -tyyppien yksityiskohtia tarkemmin. Autot myydään ""sellaisina kuin ne ovat"", eli kuvauksen mukaisina ja siinä kunnossa kuin ne ovat myyntihetkellä ilman minkäänlaista kuntoon liittyvää edustusta, takuuta tai vastuunottoa Catawikin tai myyjän osalta. Esineen kunto on myyjän mielipide, ja se voi poiketa sinun tai jonkin autokorjaamon tai jälleenmyyjän mielipiteestä. Se ei automaattisesti tarkoita, etteikö auto olisi kuvauksensa mukainen. Tarkista ajoneuvon rekisteröintiä koskeva paikallinen lainsäädäntö ennen tarjouksen tekemistä. Myyjä tai Catawiki ei ole vastuussa ajoneuvon rekisteröinnistä maassasi eikä hyväksy kaupan peruutusta, jos et voikaan rekisteröidä kyseistä ajoneuvoa. Suosittelemme myös mahdollisuuksien mukaan tarkastamaan ajoneuvon myyjän luona ennen tarjouksen tekemistä.