This lot includes the following Port bottles:

- Barão de Vilar Tawny Decanter in wooden box
- Quevedo Quinta da Trovisca White Port
- Calem Velhotes 10 Year Old Tawny
- Graham's Six Grapes Reserve Ruby
- Graham's "The Tawny" Mature Reserve
- Ferreira Dona Antónia White Reserve

Shipping to other countries is possible. Please ask for shipping costs to your country.

This lot includes the following Port bottles:

- Barão de Vilar Tawny Decanter in wooden box
- Quevedo Quinta da Trovisca White Port
- Calem Velhotes 10 Year Old Tawny
- Graham's Six Grapes Reserve Ruby
- Graham's "The Tawny" Mature Reserve
- Ferreira Dona Antónia White Reserve

Shipping to other countries is possible. Please ask for shipping costs to your country.

Tuottaja, viinin nimi
Barão de Vilar Tawny, Quevedo Quinta da Trovisca white, Calem 10 yrs old, Graham's (2) & Ferreira
Tawny, Tawny Reserve, White Port, White Reserve Port, Ruby Reserve
Pullojen lukumäärä
Pullon koko
Pullot (0.7 L)
Alkuperäinen pakkaus
Alkuperäisessä lahjapakkauksessa
Kapselin/korkin kunto
Täysin ehjä metallikapseli
Etiketin kunto
Täysin ehjä, luettavissa oleva etiketti

1 arvio (1 viimeiseltä 12 kuukaudelta)
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  3. 0

Very good seller. Nice package and care to sent it. I recommend

Katso käännös

1 arvio (1 viimeiseltä 12 kuukaudelta)
  1. 1
  2. 0
  3. 0

Very good seller. Nice package and care to sent it. I recommend

Katso käännös