WONDERFUL WORK AND LIFE OVERVIEW by Günter Rössler (1926-2012) -
one of most famous photographers from East Germany and the most famous one for nude photography.

Mint, new, unread.

Welcome to the ONE-SELLER-AUCTION by Ecki Heuser, 5Uhr30.com (Cologne, Germany) on Catawiki - this time presenting a BEST-OF „GERMAN PHOTOBOOKS“.
Like always we guarantee detailed and accurate descriptions, 100% transport protection, 100% transport insurance and of course combined shipping - worldwide.

Das Neue Berlin, Berlin. 2005. First edition, first printing.

Hardcover with dustjacket. 224 x 226 cm. 153 pages. Photos: Günter Rössler. Text in German.

Great nude book - in perfect condition.

"Günter Rössler (1926-2012) was a German photographer who made a name for himself particularly in the field of artistic nude photography.
Günter Rössler began an apprenticeship as a photographer in 1946 and studied at the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig from 1947 to 1950. From 1951, he worked as a freelance fashion, reportage and advertising photographer. In the 1960s, he focussed on nude photography and was one of the pioneers of this genre in the GDR.
From 1954 to 1990, he worked mainly for GDR fashion magazines such as Modische Maschen (from 1967 photos and graphic design) and Sibylle (from 1962) as well as the monthly magazine Das Magazin and in photo magazines such as Fotografie and Fotokino-Magazin. He took advertising photos for the GDR fur industry Interpelz, trade magazine Putz und Pelz, later Brühl.
He was co-initiator of the first nude plein air in Höfgen (Grimma) in 1979. His first nude exhibition - in 1979 at the Kunsthaus Grimma - caused a sensation in the GDR. His subsequent exhibitions were also crowd-pullers. As his photos were considered ‘not offensive’, the exhibitions were also visited by school classes. Simplicity and abstraction in black and white make his photos appear almost sculptural; the great naturalness of his models was part of the concept of his nude photography.
In 1981, Rössler was accepted into the Association of Visual Artists of the GDR. In 1996 he was appointed to the German Society for Photography.
Günter Rössler began an apprenticeship as a photographer in 1946 and studied at the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig from 1947 to 1950. From 1951, he worked as a freelance fashion, reportage and advertising photographer. In the 1960s, he focussed on nude photography and was one of the pioneers of this genre in the GDR.
In 1984, Playboy printed a ten-page article with photos by Günter Rössler under the title Mädchen der DDR (Girls of the GDR). The reportage was honoured by Playboy with 10,000 DM, of which he received only 15%, as was customary in the GDR.
Alongside Günter Rinnhofer, he was one of the few photographers to be featured almost every month for decades in the magazines Fotokino-Magazin and Fotografie. He worked mainly in black and white and only in analogue.
An interview and photos appeared in the magazine Das Magazin in 2011.
Rössler was married twice. His first wife Ruth died of cancer in 1991. His second marriage was to his former model Kirsten Schlegel. The two had met when Schlegel was 14 years old. She first worked for him as a model for fashion shoots and then as an assistant. They had a daughter together (born 2003).
Rössler lived in Markkleeberg-Ost near Leipzig for more than 50 years.
His mortal remains were buried in an urn at the Markkleeberg Auenfriedhof cemetery on 11 January 2013."

Myyjän tarina

tervetuloa klo 5.30. 5Uhr30 sijaitsee ehrenfeldissä, Kölnin trendikkäimmässä kaupunginosassa, jossa on kauppa ja valokuvaustila. 5H30 tarjoaa erittäin harvinaisia, erittäin kauniita, hyvin erikoisia valokuvakirjoja - loppuunmyytyjä, moderni-antiikkisia ja antiikkisia. Tarjoamme myös valokuvakutsukortteja, filmi- ja valokuvajulisteita, valokuvaluetteloita ja alkuperäisiä valokuvatulosteita. 5Uhr30 on erikoistunut saksalaisiin valokuvajulkaisuihin, mutta sillä on myös jännittävä valikoima valokuvakirjoja kaikkialta Euroopasta, Japanista, Pohjois- ja Etelä-Amerikasta. matkaesitteitä, lastenkirjoja, yritysesitteitä...kaikki mikä liittyy valokuvaukseen suppeammassa tai laajemmassa merkityksessä, inspiroi meitä. Tule käymään, jos olet Kölnissä tai sen ympäristössä. Et tule katumaan sitä! :) 5:30 yrittää aina tarjota parhaan kunnon. 5h30 toimitetaan maailmanlaajuisesti, nopeasti ja turvallisesti - 100 % suojalla, täydellä vakuutuksella ja seurantanumerolla. ota meihin yhteyttä sähköpostitse, jos sinulla on kysyttävää tai etsit jotain erityistä, koska vain osa tarjouksistamme on verkossa. Kiitos kiinnostuksestasi. ecki heuser ja tiimi
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WONDERFUL WORK AND LIFE OVERVIEW by Günter Rössler (1926-2012) -
one of most famous photographers from East Germany and the most famous one for nude photography.

Mint, new, unread.

Welcome to the ONE-SELLER-AUCTION by Ecki Heuser, 5Uhr30.com (Cologne, Germany) on Catawiki - this time presenting a BEST-OF „GERMAN PHOTOBOOKS“.
Like always we guarantee detailed and accurate descriptions, 100% transport protection, 100% transport insurance and of course combined shipping - worldwide.

Das Neue Berlin, Berlin. 2005. First edition, first printing.

Hardcover with dustjacket. 224 x 226 cm. 153 pages. Photos: Günter Rössler. Text in German.

Great nude book - in perfect condition.

"Günter Rössler (1926-2012) was a German photographer who made a name for himself particularly in the field of artistic nude photography.
Günter Rössler began an apprenticeship as a photographer in 1946 and studied at the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig from 1947 to 1950. From 1951, he worked as a freelance fashion, reportage and advertising photographer. In the 1960s, he focussed on nude photography and was one of the pioneers of this genre in the GDR.
From 1954 to 1990, he worked mainly for GDR fashion magazines such as Modische Maschen (from 1967 photos and graphic design) and Sibylle (from 1962) as well as the monthly magazine Das Magazin and in photo magazines such as Fotografie and Fotokino-Magazin. He took advertising photos for the GDR fur industry Interpelz, trade magazine Putz und Pelz, later Brühl.
He was co-initiator of the first nude plein air in Höfgen (Grimma) in 1979. His first nude exhibition - in 1979 at the Kunsthaus Grimma - caused a sensation in the GDR. His subsequent exhibitions were also crowd-pullers. As his photos were considered ‘not offensive’, the exhibitions were also visited by school classes. Simplicity and abstraction in black and white make his photos appear almost sculptural; the great naturalness of his models was part of the concept of his nude photography.
In 1981, Rössler was accepted into the Association of Visual Artists of the GDR. In 1996 he was appointed to the German Society for Photography.
Günter Rössler began an apprenticeship as a photographer in 1946 and studied at the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig from 1947 to 1950. From 1951, he worked as a freelance fashion, reportage and advertising photographer. In the 1960s, he focussed on nude photography and was one of the pioneers of this genre in the GDR.
In 1984, Playboy printed a ten-page article with photos by Günter Rössler under the title Mädchen der DDR (Girls of the GDR). The reportage was honoured by Playboy with 10,000 DM, of which he received only 15%, as was customary in the GDR.
Alongside Günter Rinnhofer, he was one of the few photographers to be featured almost every month for decades in the magazines Fotokino-Magazin and Fotografie. He worked mainly in black and white and only in analogue.
An interview and photos appeared in the magazine Das Magazin in 2011.
Rössler was married twice. His first wife Ruth died of cancer in 1991. His second marriage was to his former model Kirsten Schlegel. The two had met when Schlegel was 14 years old. She first worked for him as a model for fashion shoots and then as an assistant. They had a daughter together (born 2003).
Rössler lived in Markkleeberg-Ost near Leipzig for more than 50 years.
His mortal remains were buried in an urn at the Markkleeberg Auenfriedhof cemetery on 11 January 2013."

Myyjän tarina

tervetuloa klo 5.30. 5Uhr30 sijaitsee ehrenfeldissä, Kölnin trendikkäimmässä kaupunginosassa, jossa on kauppa ja valokuvaustila. 5H30 tarjoaa erittäin harvinaisia, erittäin kauniita, hyvin erikoisia valokuvakirjoja - loppuunmyytyjä, moderni-antiikkisia ja antiikkisia. Tarjoamme myös valokuvakutsukortteja, filmi- ja valokuvajulisteita, valokuvaluetteloita ja alkuperäisiä valokuvatulosteita. 5Uhr30 on erikoistunut saksalaisiin valokuvajulkaisuihin, mutta sillä on myös jännittävä valikoima valokuvakirjoja kaikkialta Euroopasta, Japanista, Pohjois- ja Etelä-Amerikasta. matkaesitteitä, lastenkirjoja, yritysesitteitä...kaikki mikä liittyy valokuvaukseen suppeammassa tai laajemmassa merkityksessä, inspiroi meitä. Tule käymään, jos olet Kölnissä tai sen ympäristössä. Et tule katumaan sitä! :) 5:30 yrittää aina tarjota parhaan kunnon. 5h30 toimitetaan maailmanlaajuisesti, nopeasti ja turvallisesti - 100 % suojalla, täydellä vakuutuksella ja seurantanumerolla. ota meihin yhteyttä sähköpostitse, jos sinulla on kysyttävää tai etsit jotain erityistä, koska vain osa tarjouksistamme on verkossa. Kiitos kiinnostuksestasi. ecki heuser ja tiimi
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Kirjojen lukumäärä
Erotiikka, Valokuvaus
Kirjan nimi
Mein Leben in vielen Akten
Kuin uusi
Kirjailija/ Kuvittaja
Günter Rössler
Vanhimman kohteen julkaisuvuosi
226 mm
1. painos
224 mm
Alkuperäinen kieli
Das Neue Berlin, Berlin

2692 palautetta (357 viimeiseltä 12 kuukaudelta)
  1. 352
  2. 5
  3. 0

Excellent condition! Much better than anticipated. Packaged and delivered safely. Thank you.

Katso käännös

Das Buch ist super, danke! Aber 27,50 € Versandkosten ist doch recht viel. Mein Fehler, nicht geprüft. In Zukunft biete ich einfach nicht mehr mit, Problem gelöst!

Katso käännös
Myyjän vastaus

wie sie richtigerweise erwähnen, handelt es sich um eine pauschale (und nichts anderes ist angesichts der menge der im monat zu verschickenden bücher möglich und zu erwarten). das heisst: 1. dass sie sich mit ihrem gebot damit einverstanden erklären und es nicht in ordnung ist, sich im nachhinein darüber beschweren 2. dass ich genau 27,50 euro an portokosten im durchschnitt benötige (im einzelfall mal mehr, mal weniger und wohin die reise geht, weiß ich erst, wenn die auktion zu ende ist, NICHT vorher) 3. habe ich deutlich höhere kosten gehabt als die von ihnen erwähnten 11 euro. ihre behauptung ist also faktisch falsch 4. habe in der vergangenheit oftmals mehr als 27,50 euro für ihre sendungen bezahlt. ich kann mich nicht erinnern, dass sie sich darüber je beschwert hätten…! :) also bitte immer schön fair bleiben! danke!

fast, clean delivery, thank you very much.

Katso käännös

Absolut perfekt ! Freue mich auf weitere Angebote. Sehr zu empfehlen !!

Katso käännös

Perfectly item. Very. Fast delivery. Thank you so much.

Katso käännös

Highly recommended seller! Top items, steady packing, fast shipping, all perfect, Grazie Mille!

Katso käännös

As usual, exactly as described. Safe secure shipping. Thanks again!!

Katso käännös

Wonderful example of photos of the great Muhammad Ali. Beautifully taken and produced . Arrive promptly and safely in quality packaging. Many thanks David

Katso käännös

The book is in perfect condition. I encountered some issues with the delivery, which were not the sender's fault but rather due to the courier.

Katso käännös

Excellent service, fast delivery, thank you very much !!!

Katso käännös

Ein sehr schönes Buch, genau wie beschrieben. Das Buch war sehr gut verpackt und kam sehr schnell

Katso käännös

Book precisely as the description . Arrived quick and well packed. Great Seller, i keep buying from him . A+

Katso käännös
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2692 palautetta (357 viimeiseltä 12 kuukaudelta)
  1. 352
  2. 5
  3. 0