Barrel-shaped wooden gourd resting on a circular foot decorated with incised brass flower buds or stars.The top is replaced by an incised heck and filter spout, as well as a grip handle 18*29cm.During the time of the Turkish occupation, doctors who went to the front with the army carried small barrels of water or" medical barrels" few of which have survived to this day. They contained a "sarbat",a drink made with zamzam water, meant for severely wounded soldiers, the outcome of which was fatal.The expression "drinking the drink of the dying" used in Turkish culture comes from this practice.

Barrel-shaped wooden gourd resting on a circular foot decorated with incised brass flower buds or stars.The top is replaced by an incised heck and filter spout, as well as a grip handle 18*29cm.During the time of the Turkish occupation, doctors who went to the front with the army carried small barrels of water or" medical barrels" few of which have survived to this day. They contained a "sarbat",a drink made with zamzam water, meant for severely wounded soldiers, the outcome of which was fatal.The expression "drinking the drink of the dying" used in Turkish culture comes from this practice.

Dynastinen tyyli/aikakausi
1900-luvun alkupuoli
Esineiden lkm.
18 cm
29 cm
Teoksen nimi
Ottomaanien Tabib matarasi
10 cm