Very nice big Animal Vessel


- TL test -

Tiahuanaco, Peru, 700 - 1000 AD

Terracotta and pigments

21 cm height and 24,5 cm large

- Private collection, France.
- Loudmer Comissaires Priseurs S.C.P., Art Precolombien Collection d'un Amateur. Paris Drouot, 18 March 1995. Lot 109.
- Private collection, J. R. (1928 - 2013) Barcelona, formed since 1950 until 2000. Thence by descendent.

- Catalogue; Loudmer Comissaires Priseurs S.C.P., Art Precolombien Collection d'un Amateur. Paris Drouot, 18 March 1995. Lot 109.

- With TL (Thermoluminescence) testing process.
- Spanish Export License.

Condition: Intact, excellent condition, see photos.

From its center at the Tiwanku site, located a few kilometers south of Lake Titicaca, the homonymous state extended its influence over an important part of the Andes, including Bolivia, Peru, northwestern Argentina and northern Chile. However, its core was concentrated in the altiplano surrounding the lake, characterized by a very harsh climate due to altitudes above 3,400 m (11,500 ft). Despite cycles of aridity, floods and constant frosts, the area is rich in pastures for llamas and alpacas, as well as for the cultivation of tubers.

Tiwanaku artists worked stone in an incomparable way. Their constructions with stone walls that fit perfectly, some with embedded or carved figures, such as the nailed heads of the temple of Kalasasaya or the famous Puerta del Sol, show a very high architectural and artistic level. Also noteworthy are the large statues sculpted on stone columns that represent standing figures in hieratic attitude. Among the most common designs that illustrate the Tiwanaku cosmovision, we can find felines with wings, snakes with feline heads, animals with human attributes and vice versa. Particularly noteworthy is the motif of the Lord of the Scepters, a frontal figure, almost always on a stepped platform, holding symbols of command in his hands. The most typical ceramic form of Tiwanaku pottery is the kero vase, with a narrow base and wide mouth, which was used for ceremonial libations. Many of these vessels were richly decorated in black, white, orange on a red base, although some exhibit incised motifs. In general, Tiwanaku iconography suggests an "imperial aesthetic", which was an essential part of power relations, with abbreviated versions of these figures circulating in the areas of expansion of this state.

It is assumed that Tiwanaku was a theocratic state, which means that most of the social life was dictated by rites and ceremonies. In this religious life must have been of central importance some divinities that were profusely represented in their art. Many of these characters present sacred attributes that are of long standing in the Andean world, such as the intertwined feline fangs or the sacrificing character. Among them stands out the Lord of the Scepters represented in the Sun Gate and other sculptural works, which seems to have had a central role among the divinities worshiped by the Tiwanaku. Their artistic representations also shed light on the great importance that the use of hallucinogens apparently had in Tiwanaku rituals, which is clearly reflected in the great development of these practices in the San Pedro culture, in northern Chile, precisely during the period in which it maintained relations with this Altiplanic state.

- The piece includes authenticity certificate.
- The piece includes Spanish Export License (Passport for European Union). NOT TAXES.
- According to Spanish legislation, items sent outside the European Union are subject to export taxes and will be added to the invoice, at the buyer's expense. These export fees are fixed on the final auction price and the tax rate is not applied directly on the total value of the item to be exported, but rather the different percentages by sections are applied to it:
- Up to 6,000 euros: 5%.
- From 6,001 to 60,000 euros: 10%.
This export permit application process can take between 1-2 months maximum.
- The seller guarantees that he acquired this piece according to all national and international laws related to the ownership of cultural property. Provenance statement seen by Catawiki.

Myyjän tarina

TÄRKEITÄ HUOMAUTUKSIA: – Olemme ammattitaitoinen myyjä. - Kaikki myytävät tuotteet toimitetaan ammattilaskulla. - Kaikkien myytyjen tuotteiden mukana tulee oma aitoustodistus (takuuasiakirja), joka sisältää tuotteen kuvaus, kuva ja alkuperä. - Kaikki tuotteet lähetetään yksityisen kuriirin kautta vakuutuksella (DHL express, CORREOS of Spain tai muu vastaava seurantanumerolla). - Kaikki lähetetyt tuotteet (tarvittaessa) ilmoitetaan yli 100 vuotta vanhoiksi antiikkiesineiksi ja niiden hinta arvostetaan. - Toimitus EU:n ulkopuolelle: Toimitusaika tulliselvityksen alaisena. Kohdemaassa sovellettavat vastuu- ja tullimääräykset tai tuontivaatimukset ovat yksinomaan ostajan vastuulla. Emme vastaa tullimenettelyjen aiheuttamista viivästyksistä. Tuontiverot ja alv eivät sisälly toimituskuluihin. Maksettava tuontivero tai arvonlisävero riippuu kohdemaasta. Mahdollisten verojen maksaminen tai tulliviranomaisten kanssa kiistat ovat yksin ostajan vastuulla. - Joillekin tarjotuille tuotteille, lähetystä varten Euroopan unionin ulkopuolelle, on hankittava vientilupa, joka kertoo ostajan suorittaman vientimaksun Espanjan lainsäädännön mukaisesti. Tarvittaessa se mainitaan artikkelin kuvauksessa, Sillä EI KAIKISSA TAPAUKSISSA SE OLE SITÄ. Nämä maksut lisätään laskuun ostajan kustannuksella. Nämä vientimaksut ovat kiinteät lopulliseen huutokauppahintaan, eikä verokantaa sovelleta suoraan vietävän esineen kokonaisarvoon, vaan siihen sovelletaan eri prosenttiosuuksia osioittain: 6 000 euroon asti: 5 %. 6 001 - 60 000 euroa: 10 %. Tämä vientilupahakemusprosessi voi kestää enintään 1-2 kuukautta. - Takaamme, että hän on hankkinut tämän teoksen kaikkien kulttuuriesineiden omistukseen liittyvien kansallisten ja kansainvälisten lakien mukaisesti.
Kääntänyt Google Translate

Very nice big Animal Vessel


- TL test -

Tiahuanaco, Peru, 700 - 1000 AD

Terracotta and pigments

21 cm height and 24,5 cm large

- Private collection, France.
- Loudmer Comissaires Priseurs S.C.P., Art Precolombien Collection d'un Amateur. Paris Drouot, 18 March 1995. Lot 109.
- Private collection, J. R. (1928 - 2013) Barcelona, formed since 1950 until 2000. Thence by descendent.

- Catalogue; Loudmer Comissaires Priseurs S.C.P., Art Precolombien Collection d'un Amateur. Paris Drouot, 18 March 1995. Lot 109.

- With TL (Thermoluminescence) testing process.
- Spanish Export License.

Condition: Intact, excellent condition, see photos.

From its center at the Tiwanku site, located a few kilometers south of Lake Titicaca, the homonymous state extended its influence over an important part of the Andes, including Bolivia, Peru, northwestern Argentina and northern Chile. However, its core was concentrated in the altiplano surrounding the lake, characterized by a very harsh climate due to altitudes above 3,400 m (11,500 ft). Despite cycles of aridity, floods and constant frosts, the area is rich in pastures for llamas and alpacas, as well as for the cultivation of tubers.

Tiwanaku artists worked stone in an incomparable way. Their constructions with stone walls that fit perfectly, some with embedded or carved figures, such as the nailed heads of the temple of Kalasasaya or the famous Puerta del Sol, show a very high architectural and artistic level. Also noteworthy are the large statues sculpted on stone columns that represent standing figures in hieratic attitude. Among the most common designs that illustrate the Tiwanaku cosmovision, we can find felines with wings, snakes with feline heads, animals with human attributes and vice versa. Particularly noteworthy is the motif of the Lord of the Scepters, a frontal figure, almost always on a stepped platform, holding symbols of command in his hands. The most typical ceramic form of Tiwanaku pottery is the kero vase, with a narrow base and wide mouth, which was used for ceremonial libations. Many of these vessels were richly decorated in black, white, orange on a red base, although some exhibit incised motifs. In general, Tiwanaku iconography suggests an "imperial aesthetic", which was an essential part of power relations, with abbreviated versions of these figures circulating in the areas of expansion of this state.

It is assumed that Tiwanaku was a theocratic state, which means that most of the social life was dictated by rites and ceremonies. In this religious life must have been of central importance some divinities that were profusely represented in their art. Many of these characters present sacred attributes that are of long standing in the Andean world, such as the intertwined feline fangs or the sacrificing character. Among them stands out the Lord of the Scepters represented in the Sun Gate and other sculptural works, which seems to have had a central role among the divinities worshiped by the Tiwanaku. Their artistic representations also shed light on the great importance that the use of hallucinogens apparently had in Tiwanaku rituals, which is clearly reflected in the great development of these practices in the San Pedro culture, in northern Chile, precisely during the period in which it maintained relations with this Altiplanic state.

- The piece includes authenticity certificate.
- The piece includes Spanish Export License (Passport for European Union). NOT TAXES.
- According to Spanish legislation, items sent outside the European Union are subject to export taxes and will be added to the invoice, at the buyer's expense. These export fees are fixed on the final auction price and the tax rate is not applied directly on the total value of the item to be exported, but rather the different percentages by sections are applied to it:
- Up to 6,000 euros: 5%.
- From 6,001 to 60,000 euros: 10%.
This export permit application process can take between 1-2 months maximum.
- The seller guarantees that he acquired this piece according to all national and international laws related to the ownership of cultural property. Provenance statement seen by Catawiki.

Myyjän tarina

TÄRKEITÄ HUOMAUTUKSIA: – Olemme ammattitaitoinen myyjä. - Kaikki myytävät tuotteet toimitetaan ammattilaskulla. - Kaikkien myytyjen tuotteiden mukana tulee oma aitoustodistus (takuuasiakirja), joka sisältää tuotteen kuvaus, kuva ja alkuperä. - Kaikki tuotteet lähetetään yksityisen kuriirin kautta vakuutuksella (DHL express, CORREOS of Spain tai muu vastaava seurantanumerolla). - Kaikki lähetetyt tuotteet (tarvittaessa) ilmoitetaan yli 100 vuotta vanhoiksi antiikkiesineiksi ja niiden hinta arvostetaan. - Toimitus EU:n ulkopuolelle: Toimitusaika tulliselvityksen alaisena. Kohdemaassa sovellettavat vastuu- ja tullimääräykset tai tuontivaatimukset ovat yksinomaan ostajan vastuulla. Emme vastaa tullimenettelyjen aiheuttamista viivästyksistä. Tuontiverot ja alv eivät sisälly toimituskuluihin. Maksettava tuontivero tai arvonlisävero riippuu kohdemaasta. Mahdollisten verojen maksaminen tai tulliviranomaisten kanssa kiistat ovat yksin ostajan vastuulla. - Joillekin tarjotuille tuotteille, lähetystä varten Euroopan unionin ulkopuolelle, on hankittava vientilupa, joka kertoo ostajan suorittaman vientimaksun Espanjan lainsäädännön mukaisesti. Tarvittaessa se mainitaan artikkelin kuvauksessa, Sillä EI KAIKISSA TAPAUKSISSA SE OLE SITÄ. Nämä maksut lisätään laskuun ostajan kustannuksella. Nämä vientimaksut ovat kiinteät lopulliseen huutokauppahintaan, eikä verokantaa sovelleta suoraan vietävän esineen kokonaisarvoon, vaan siihen sovelletaan eri prosenttiosuuksia osioittain: 6 000 euroon asti: 5 %. 6 001 - 60 000 euroa: 10 %. Tämä vientilupahakemusprosessi voi kestää enintään 1-2 kuukautta. - Takaamme, että hän on hankkinut tämän teoksen kaikkien kulttuuriesineiden omistukseen liittyvien kansallisten ja kansainvälisten lakien mukaisesti.
Kääntänyt Google Translate
Tiahuanaco, Peru
Name of object
Big Vessel Animal TL -testi. JULKAISTU. 24,5 cm P. 700 - 1000 jKr. Espanjan vientilisenssi
Vuosisata / Ajanjakso
700 - 1000 AD

305 palautetta (122 viimeiseltä 12 kuukaudelta)
  1. 116
  2. 5
  3. 1

Der Uschepti wurde sehr schnell verschickt und war sehr sehr gut verpackt. Danke für das wunderschöne Stück.

Katso käännös

Persona seria e corretta che fa fronte alle consegne in brevissimo tempo. Oggetto conforme alle foto pubblicate.

Katso käännös

Arrived well packed and in good condition! Gracias!

Katso käännös

A beautiful piece. Very happy. Thank you very much.

Katso käännös

Oggetto come da foto arrivato in tempi brevissimi e protetto per la spedizione con le dovute cautele.Serietà del venditore. G.

Katso käännös

Ce vendeur est parfait, livraison rapide, les objets sont bien emballés et le transporteur DHL super. L'objet est arrivé en parfait état et la découverte est magnifique et pleine d'émotions. Merci Vi

Katso käännös

Magnifique de travailler avec vous, livraison très rapide, emballage parfait livreur géniaux. L'objet est merveilleux et très émouvant en parfait état. Merci Viviane

Katso käännös

Article conforme à la description envoie rapide très bonne communication merci👍

Katso käännös

Article conforme à la description superbe objet bon communication avec le vendeur la seule chose qui peut être regrettable pour cette sorte d'article c'est qu'il n'y a pas de certificat d'authenticité

Katso käännös

Agréablement surpris par la qualité de l'objet. mais j'ai des doutes sur l'authenticité; le collier est monté sur câble d'acier. pas de fermoir... Etonnant pour un objet dit "ancien"...

Katso käännös
Myyjän vastaus

It's formed with ancient beads, same that all necklaces in other dealers and museums, mounted on modern thread, as is logical

Lovely necklace. Exactly as described and pictured. Well wrapped and packed.I would heartily recommend this seller, and would definitely buy from them again.

Katso käännös

What a remarkable vase. So delicate, so fine! I am very happy with it. It will get a beautiful spot in our livingroom. Thank you very much, Annet

Katso käännös

Produkt noch schöner als auf dem Bild! Immer wieder gerne, schneller Versand, alles einfach top!

Katso käännös

J’aimerais recevoir le certificat d’authenticité qui était prévu avec la commande. Avec mes remerciements

Katso käännös
Myyjän vastaus

I send via postal letter

Oggetto pieno di fascino, ottimamente imballato, coerente alla presentazione! Spedizione veloce. Consigliato!

Katso käännös

consegna velocissima ottima esperienza consigliato:-)

Katso käännös
Katso kaikki palautteen

305 palautetta (122 viimeiseltä 12 kuukaudelta)
  1. 116
  2. 5
  3. 1