N.º 92791717

Cuchillo de cocina - Chef's knife - Madera de pakka y acero hecho a mano - América del Norte
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€ 45
Hace 5 semanas

Cuchillo de cocina - Chef's knife - Madera de pakka y acero hecho a mano - América del Norte

Condition: As new, unused Age: 2020: Pakka wood and Handmade steel Origin: NORTH AMERICA this blade consists of layers of low carbon and high carbon mixture welded, forged and hammered several times to obtain up to 200 layers wood handle is easy to hold and handle , steel bolsters are installed to increase the beauty of knives Chef knife: is the most versatile type of kitchen knife making it a must have item in every kitchen chopping herbs and nuts dicing and slicing fruits, vegetables and meat mincing and crushing garlic cutting through melons Cleaver: easily breakdown meat bones and dense foods. They have a short wide blade that resembles an ax with a straight edge that makes them useful for chopping and hacking with an up and down motion. Chopping vegetables Slicing and tenderizing meat Crushing garlic Boning knife; can have either a narrow or wide blade that comes in flexible and semi flexible options Separating meat from bones while reducing the amount of wasted meat Cutting through cartilage Precisely trimming fat Filleting fish Paring knife: are light weight and have a short blade with a pointed tip to make them useful for delicate knifework peeling skins for garnishes deveining shrimp trimming excess fat off meat A butcher knife is a universal knife for skinning, trimming, filleting and cutting large pieces of meat. Butcher knives have a long, thin blade that is sometimes rounded to the top. This allows you to cut a large piece of meat in one stroke Knife maintenance: proper sharpening, cleaning and storage are all important knife safety tips Clean your knife as soon as you are done using it to prevent cross contamination Wash your knifes by hand rather than running them through the dishwasher Regularly sharpen and hone your knives to keep the blade sharp Allow knives to air dry completely before storing them Always wash your knives when you receive the shipment because oil is used to keep them safe from rust We recommend a professional tune-up at least once a year, even if you are sharpening at home. If you do not sharpen your own knives, we recommend you have them sharpened when they start to feel dull. A sharp knife is always safer than a dull knife.

N.º 92791717

Cuchillo de cocina - Chef's knife - Madera de pakka y acero hecho a mano - América del Norte

Cuchillo de cocina - Chef's knife - Madera de pakka y acero hecho a mano - América del Norte

Condition: As new, unused
Age: 2020: Pakka wood and Handmade steel

this blade consists of layers of low carbon and high carbon mixture welded, forged and hammered several times to obtain up to 200 layers

wood handle is easy to hold and handle , steel bolsters are installed to increase the beauty of knives

Chef knife: is the most versatile type of kitchen knife making it a must have item in every kitchen
chopping herbs and nuts
dicing and slicing fruits, vegetables and meat
mincing and crushing garlic
cutting through melons

Cleaver: easily breakdown meat bones and dense foods. They have a short wide blade that resembles an ax with a straight edge that makes them useful for chopping and hacking with an up and down motion.
Chopping vegetables
Slicing and tenderizing meat
Crushing garlic

Boning knife; can have either a narrow or wide blade that comes in flexible and semi flexible options
Separating meat from bones while reducing the amount of wasted meat
Cutting through cartilage
Precisely trimming fat
Filleting fish

Paring knife: are light weight and have a short blade with a pointed tip to make them useful for delicate knifework
peeling skins for garnishes
deveining shrimp
trimming excess fat off meat

A butcher knife is a universal knife for skinning, trimming, filleting and cutting large pieces of meat. Butcher knives have a long, thin blade that is sometimes rounded to the top. This allows you to cut a large piece of meat in one stroke

Knife maintenance: proper sharpening, cleaning and storage are all important knife safety tips
Clean your knife as soon as you are done using it to prevent cross contamination
Wash your knifes by hand rather than running them through the dishwasher
Regularly sharpen and hone your knives to keep the blade sharp
Allow knives to air dry completely before storing them

Always wash your knives when you receive the shipment because oil is used to keep them safe from rust
We recommend a professional tune-up at least once a year, even if you are sharpening at home. If you do not sharpen your own knives, we recommend you have them sharpened when they start to feel dull. A sharp knife is always safer than a dull knife.

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