N.º 92388469

Pequeño fragmento del meteorito no agrupado más antiguo y raro Erg Chech 002 - 0.4 g - (1)
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€ 34
Hace 9 semanas

Pequeño fragmento del meteorito no agrupado más antiguo y raro Erg Chech 002 - 0.4 g - (1)

This is a complete piece of Erg Chech 002, the rarest ungrouped meteorite, weighing0,47g. The meteorite was found in Algeria and is a unique addition to any collection. Its origin and age make it a valuable piece for scientists and collectors alike. The meteorite has been well-preserved and is in a great state. It is perfect for anyone who wants to own a piece of history. With its unique features, this meteorite is a must-have for anyone who is interested in collecting rare items.

N.º 92388469

Pequeño fragmento del meteorito no agrupado más antiguo y raro Erg Chech 002 - 0.4 g - (1)

Pequeño fragmento del meteorito no agrupado más antiguo y raro Erg Chech 002 - 0.4 g - (1)

This is a complete piece of Erg Chech 002, the rarest ungrouped meteorite, weighing0,47g. The meteorite was found in Algeria and is a unique addition to any collection. Its origin and age make it a valuable piece for scientists and collectors alike.

The meteorite has been well-preserved and is in a great state. It is perfect for anyone who wants to own a piece of history. With its unique features, this meteorite is a must-have for anyone who is interested in collecting rare items.

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