N.º 92307545

Antique organic-shaped bubbled glass vase end of the 19th century - Jarrón  - Vidrio - Burbuja de forma orgánica
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€ 10
Hace 9 semanas

Antique organic-shaped bubbled glass vase end of the 19th century - Jarrón - Vidrio - Burbuja de forma orgánica

Antique glass vase from the end of the 19th century. Its special feature is the material of the glass, whose thick-walled and aqua-green glass layer shows bubbles. These irregularly arranged tiny bubbles give the glass vase an almost water-like effect. An organic-looking blown and hand-shaped glass vase, the tapering neck of which is emphasized by the glass fiber wrapped around it. A typical handmade glass vase with all its uniqueness and unrepeatability.

N.º 92307545

Antique organic-shaped bubbled glass vase end of the 19th century - Jarrón  - Vidrio - Burbuja de forma orgánica

Antique organic-shaped bubbled glass vase end of the 19th century - Jarrón - Vidrio - Burbuja de forma orgánica

Antique glass vase from the end of the 19th century. Its special feature is the material of the glass, whose thick-walled and aqua-green glass layer shows bubbles. These irregularly arranged tiny bubbles give the glass vase an almost water-like effect. An organic-looking blown and hand-shaped glass vase, the tapering neck of which is emphasized by the glass fiber wrapped around it. A typical handmade glass vase with all its uniqueness and unrepeatability.

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