N.º 92083209

Plaquette - Bronce
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€ 36
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Plaquette - Bronce

It is a medal made by the medal maker Johannes Cornelis Wienecke. Wienecke was employed as an artist and stamp cutter by the National Mint and designed the Dutch coins that were put into circulation between 1910 and 1945. He designed a medal for the above-mentioned association in 1904 on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the arrival of Princess Emma of Waldeck-Pyrmont in the Netherlands in 1879. It was a cause for great celebration in the Netherlands, because the Queen Mother was very loved by the population. In a letter, Wienecke says that the queen wanted to pose twice more after the two promised sessions. It resulted in a rectangular medal with a bust of the queen on the front with EMMA / QUEEN MOTHER underneath. On the right side the signature J.C. Wienecke. On the reverse a book with the text NEDERLAND'S HISTORY on the spine, the year 1879 on the back and the year 1904 on the front. Flowers and a burning torch are sprouting from the book. Below that is the text JANUARY 23 / HULDE / DER NEDERLANDSCH- / BELGISCHE VEREENIGING / DER MEDAILLEVRIENDEN Dimensions: 40 x 50 mm, weight: 60 grams Medalist: Johannes Cornelis Wienecke (1872-1945) Material: bronze Edition: 171 pieces

N.º 92083209

Plaquette - Bronce

Plaquette - Bronce

It is a medal made by the medal maker Johannes Cornelis Wienecke. Wienecke was employed as an artist and stamp cutter by the National Mint and designed the Dutch coins that were put into circulation between 1910 and 1945. He designed a medal for the above-mentioned association in 1904 on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the arrival of Princess Emma of Waldeck-Pyrmont in the Netherlands in 1879. It was a cause for great celebration in the Netherlands, because the Queen Mother was very loved by the population. In a letter, Wienecke says that the queen wanted to pose twice more after the two promised sessions. It resulted in a rectangular medal with a bust of the queen on the front with EMMA / QUEEN MOTHER underneath. On the right side the signature J.C. Wienecke.

On the reverse a book with the text NEDERLAND'S HISTORY on the spine, the year 1879 on the back and the year 1904 on the front. Flowers and a burning torch are sprouting from the book. Below that is the text JANUARY 23 / HULDE / DER NEDERLANDSCH- / BELGISCHE VEREENIGING / DER MEDAILLEVRIENDEN

Dimensions: 40 x 50 mm, weight: 60 grams
Medalist: Johannes Cornelis Wienecke (1872-1945)
Material: bronze
Edition: 171 pieces

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