N.º 91578335

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Griego occidental jarra de terracota
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Griego occidental jarra de terracota

Description: Western Greek Jug with a broad, round corpus and handle. The neck is slightly offset from both the corpus and the mouth. The base is slightly raised and hollowed out. The corpus is decorated with a line decoration. Period: 6th century B.C. Material: Terracotta Dimension: 6.3 cm High 6.0 cm Diameter Condition: Excellently preserved, very rare Provenance: Swiss private collection of Mr. S.L acquired in Swiss art market Gallerie Hans Wiedemann Biel befor 2001 We guarantee an unconditional authenticity. Our antiques are of legal provenance, verified to the best of our knowledge and belief. Important: Please note the applicable taxes on import tariffs and VAT rates in the EU member states. No export permit needed to ship from Switzerland.

N.º 91578335

Ya no está disponible
Griego occidental jarra de terracota

Griego occidental jarra de terracota


Western Greek Jug with a broad, round corpus and handle. The neck is slightly offset from both the corpus and the mouth. The base is slightly raised and hollowed out. The corpus is decorated with a line decoration.

Period: 6th century B.C.
Material: Terracotta
Dimension: 6.3 cm High 6.0 cm Diameter
Condition: Excellently preserved, very rare

Provenance: Swiss private collection of Mr. S.L acquired in Swiss art market Gallerie Hans Wiedemann Biel befor 2001

We guarantee an unconditional authenticity. Our antiques are of legal provenance, verified to the best of our knowledge and belief. Important: Please note the applicable taxes on import tariffs and VAT rates in the EU member states. No export permit needed to ship from Switzerland.

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