artist's statement
Color in painting fascinates me because it is a mood-building element. Wherever I am, I pay attention to light, color and this affects my art. I follow my own path and I am convinced that it is the right path. The words of the outstanding painter, Józef Hałas, stuck in my head, which in my opinion reflect the essence of the matter. "(...) Above all, a painter needs sensitivity. It doesn't have to be artistically oriented sensitivity, but in general - sensitivity to the world. Nature is important. There is everything in nature, you just have to discover it. (...)" I think that this is the quintessence of true, valuable art, authentic art, preceded by long reflections, cognitive process, hard work and not calculated only for the effect.

Albertyna Kacalak-Sicińska graduated with distiction from the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw (Poland) (main field of study : Painting) and received her Masters in Fine Arts in 2012.

On 2017 Master of Arts Albertyna received the degree of Doctor of Fine Arts in the discipline of fine arts. She runs therapeutic art sessions, creative work with chlidren and adults. But first and foremost she is a paitner. Her works can be found in private collections in Canada, USA, Europe (Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Czech Republic, Norway, Malta, Poland).

About work:
A modern painting showing an abstract landscape, painted on a canvas with dimensions: 80 x 120 x 2,5 cm (H x W x D).

The resin I used is natural damara dissolved in balsamic turpentine. It is characterized by a delicate woody scent and, when combined with dyes, enhances the depth of color.

Picture painted with oil paints on canvas..

The edges are painted black, the painting does not require framing.

*Colors in the photo may slightly differ from the original depending on individual display settings.

I attach a CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY to the painting!

El vendedor y su historia

Albertyna Kacalak-Sicińska se graduó con distinción en la Academia de Arte y Diseño Eugeniusz Geppert de Wroclaw (Polonia) (campo principal de estudio: Pintura) y recibió su Maestría en Bellas Artes en 2012. En 2017, Albertyna obtuvo el título de Doctora en Bellas Artes en la disciplina de Bellas Artes. Realiza sesiones de arte terapéutico y trabajos creativos con niños y adultos. Pero, ante todo, es pintora. Sus obras se encuentran en colecciones privadas en Canadá, Estados Unidos y Europa (Alemania, Suiza, Austria, Italia, República Checa, Noruega, Malta y Polonia). El color en la pintura me fascina porque es un elemento que crea el estado de ánimo. Esté donde esté, presto atención a la luz, al color y esto influye en mi arte. Sigo mi propio camino y estoy convencido de que es el camino correcto. Las palabras del destacado pintor Józef Hałas se me quedaron grabadas en la cabeza y, en mi opinión, reflejan la esencia del asunto: "(...) Ante todo, un pintor necesita sensibilidad. No tiene por qué ser una sensibilidad orientada al arte, sino, en general, sensibilidad hacia el mundo. La naturaleza es importante. En la naturaleza hay de todo, sólo hay que descubrirlo. (...)" Creo que esta es la quintaesencia del arte verdadero, valioso, auténtico, precedido por largas reflexiones, un proceso cognitivo, un trabajo duro y no calculado sólo para el efecto.
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artist's statement
Color in painting fascinates me because it is a mood-building element. Wherever I am, I pay attention to light, color and this affects my art. I follow my own path and I am convinced that it is the right path. The words of the outstanding painter, Józef Hałas, stuck in my head, which in my opinion reflect the essence of the matter. "(...) Above all, a painter needs sensitivity. It doesn't have to be artistically oriented sensitivity, but in general - sensitivity to the world. Nature is important. There is everything in nature, you just have to discover it. (...)" I think that this is the quintessence of true, valuable art, authentic art, preceded by long reflections, cognitive process, hard work and not calculated only for the effect.

Albertyna Kacalak-Sicińska graduated with distiction from the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw (Poland) (main field of study : Painting) and received her Masters in Fine Arts in 2012.

On 2017 Master of Arts Albertyna received the degree of Doctor of Fine Arts in the discipline of fine arts. She runs therapeutic art sessions, creative work with chlidren and adults. But first and foremost she is a paitner. Her works can be found in private collections in Canada, USA, Europe (Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Czech Republic, Norway, Malta, Poland).

About work:
A modern painting showing an abstract landscape, painted on a canvas with dimensions: 80 x 120 x 2,5 cm (H x W x D).

The resin I used is natural damara dissolved in balsamic turpentine. It is characterized by a delicate woody scent and, when combined with dyes, enhances the depth of color.

Picture painted with oil paints on canvas..

The edges are painted black, the painting does not require framing.

*Colors in the photo may slightly differ from the original depending on individual display settings.

I attach a CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY to the painting!

El vendedor y su historia

Albertyna Kacalak-Sicińska se graduó con distinción en la Academia de Arte y Diseño Eugeniusz Geppert de Wroclaw (Polonia) (campo principal de estudio: Pintura) y recibió su Maestría en Bellas Artes en 2012. En 2017, Albertyna obtuvo el título de Doctora en Bellas Artes en la disciplina de Bellas Artes. Realiza sesiones de arte terapéutico y trabajos creativos con niños y adultos. Pero, ante todo, es pintora. Sus obras se encuentran en colecciones privadas en Canadá, Estados Unidos y Europa (Alemania, Suiza, Austria, Italia, República Checa, Noruega, Malta y Polonia). El color en la pintura me fascina porque es un elemento que crea el estado de ánimo. Esté donde esté, presto atención a la luz, al color y esto influye en mi arte. Sigo mi propio camino y estoy convencido de que es el camino correcto. Las palabras del destacado pintor Józef Hałas se me quedaron grabadas en la cabeza y, en mi opinión, reflejan la esencia del asunto: "(...) Ante todo, un pintor necesita sensibilidad. No tiene por qué ser una sensibilidad orientada al arte, sino, en general, sensibilidad hacia el mundo. La naturaleza es importante. En la naturaleza hay de todo, sólo hay que descubrirlo. (...)" Creo que esta es la quintaesencia del arte verdadero, valioso, auténtico, precedido por largas reflexiones, un proceso cognitivo, un trabajo duro y no calculado sólo para el efecto.
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Posterior a 2000
Vendido por
Paintings by Albertyna - Albertyna Kacalak-Sicińska
Título de la obra
Ocean - XXL
Óleo sobre lienzo
Firmado a mano
País de origen
Azul, Blanco, Crema
En excelente estado
80 cm
120 cm
2,5 cm
6 kg
Paisaje abstracto
Expresionismo abstracto
Se vende con marco
Posterior a 2020