Vintage: 2019
Appellation: Orvieto Classico Superiore DOC
Grape: grechetto 50%, procanico 25%, pinot bianco e viognier 25%
Alcohol: 12.5%
Bottle size: 1.5l
Drink from: 2019/2024
Serve at: 10/12 °C
Perfect for: Appetizer, Dinner with friends

Orvieto Classico Superiore DOC San Giovanni della Sala 2019 - Magnum 1.5L by Castello della Sala. This white wine is a premium expression from Umbria, showcasing a blend of Grechetto, Procanico, and other varietals. With a vibrant golden hue, it offers aromas of citrus, pear, and floral notes, enriched by a subtle minerality. On the palate, it is fresh, well-balanced, and elegant, with a long, persistent finish. A perfect choice for seafood, white meats, or as an aperitif.

Cervaro della sala 2019 bottle 0.75lt

Vintage: 2019
Appellation: Orvieto Classico Superiore DOC
Grape: grechetto 50%, procanico 25%, pinot bianco e viognier 25%
Alcohol: 12.5%
Bottle size: 1.5l
Drink from: 2019/2024
Serve at: 10/12 °C
Perfect for: Appetizer, Dinner with friends

Orvieto Classico Superiore DOC San Giovanni della Sala 2019 - Magnum 1.5L by Castello della Sala. This white wine is a premium expression from Umbria, showcasing a blend of Grechetto, Procanico, and other varietals. With a vibrant golden hue, it offers aromas of citrus, pear, and floral notes, enriched by a subtle minerality. On the palate, it is fresh, well-balanced, and elegant, with a long, persistent finish. A perfect choice for seafood, white meats, or as an aperitif.

Cervaro della sala 2019 bottle 0.75lt

Década de los 2000
Productor, nombre del vino
Antinori: Cervaro Della Sala & San Giovanni Orvieto
Número de botellas
Formato de la botella
Bottles (0.75L + 1.5L)
Variedades de uva
Procanico, Grechetto, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Meunier
Nivel de llenado
Tipo de botella bordelesa, nivel de llenado base del cuello
Embalaje original
Estuche de madera no original
Estado de la etiqueta
Etiqueta intacta y legible